[Bulk] Re: Five Works of Theory You Should Consider Reading

Tom Beshear tbeshear at att.net
Sun May 27 11:08:16 CDT 2012

HTML Giant is prone to wanking about theory. Not all HTML's posters do it, but there are a couple who have read way too much Derrida, etc. in college. They use the dubious verb "privilege" a lot, and say things like: "For reasons unknown, some readers still think understanding a text is important." (Yeah, I know he later says he was being "hyperbolic and snarky," but still.)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Matthew Cissell 
  To: pynchon-l at waste.org 
  Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2012 10:58 AM
  Subject: [Bulk] Re: Five Works of Theory You Should Consider Reading

  Well, thanks but it sort of struck me as bollocks.
  Comprehension is unimportant. yeh, right.
  "five works that lend themselves to a reading strategy conducive to works of fiction or poetry." anybody could toss out a similar list. and they don't 'lend' themselves, they are appropriated.
  "to allow the infection of them to circulate through you, the way you greet them is paramount: let go." somebody's read too much French theory. go get some antibiotics.
  Glas. see former point.
  "she studied with Derrida and Cixous, and she was friends with Kathy Acker, so intellectually speaking she rolls deep." She rolls deep? Is this suppposed to be hip intellectualism? Roll of TP anyone?
  Did this get forwarded because of the Pynchon mention?

  MC Otis

  From: Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at gmail.com>
  To: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at waste.org> 
  Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2012 4:08 AM
  Subject: Five Works of Theory You Should Consider Reading


  Thanks again, Werner Presber!

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