NP - This Week in Fake American History -- UPDATE II

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed May 30 10:20:55 CDT 2012

Today, in yet another great, swirling fury of whinging fusspot concern
truckling, Our Mr. Brooks has finally put that University of Chicago
history degree of his to use and identified the Three! Count! 'Em!
Three! causes of America's decline and financial ruin.

Are those three causes Reaganomics, illegal trillion-dollar wars and
the Bush tax cuts?

No they are not.

Slavery, Jim Crow and Vietnam?


Neocons, Nicholas Cage movies and 30 years of union-busting?

Still cold


The Progressive Era, the New Deal and the Great Society?



You see, America (as constructed single-handedly by Imaginary
Alexander Hamilton) "prospered" until successive phases of Dirty
Fucking Paleohippies came along and fucked everything up.

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