Nabokov A-Z

Bekah bekah0176 at
Wed May 30 19:24:57 CDT 2012

Oh I look forward to the Pale Fire annotations!    Didn't Brian Boyd do something similar with Pale Fire a few years back?  I know he was annotating Ada or Ardor but it's not finished.


On May 30, 2012, at 2:21 PM, Dave Monroe wrote:

> When completed, Nabokov A-Z will be a browsable document that serves
> as a quick reference to the works of Vladimir Nabokov for current and
> future Nabokov scholars. These  entries for Lolita have been provided
> by the students of English 472: Seminar on James Joyce and Vladimir
> Nabokov, taught by Professor Zoran Kuzmanovich at Davidson College.
> Annotation for Pnin and Pale Fire will follow.

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