a euphemism for P's poorest prose: warm excrement flowing from a pathetic puppet's mouth

alice wellintown alicewellintown at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 05:04:16 CST 2012

The political reading is alway risky; we recall those wonderful
readings of VL and M&D that were published in a Law Journal, how they
argued that the Presidency, with its wars, endless wars, on poverty,
on drugs, its use and abuse of Emergency Power, and specifically of
FEMA, made the Presidency more powerful than a locomotive. Here we
stand in fishing waders, warm water that storm surged our city now
cold, waiting for gas, and heat, and light, and the FEMA that Romeny
would, with Bernanke's full employment plan, dismantle, while a
President, weakened by his predecessor's excessive use and abuse of
presidential power, tries to look powerful by declaring an emergency,
sending in the national guard, and opening the deficit spending
spigot, again.  That The Economist, Bloomberg & Co., as well as more
of Wall Street than OWS, all with with egotistical reservation,
endorsed the president, tells us that we may need study Vibe's speech
a bit more to see HOW the Pyncher means. The headlines of the Left
won't help us. Sweatshop & Pauper Labor falacies. The Pyncher never
tires of his old favorite books; so it is not China and Apple here,
but Benjamin Franklin, Weber, Marx,  Aristotle, Aquinas, Dante...these
are the books: " money begets money." It is Weber, again. The Spirit
of Capitalism. There is in the Pyncher, please excuse me for this
but...something of the Catholic disdain for money begetting money.

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