a euphemism for P's poorest prose: warm excrement flowing from a pathetic puppet's mouth

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 08:22:59 CST 2012

 alice wellintown
> endorsed the president, tells us that we may need study Vibe's speech
> a bit more to see HOW the Pyncher means.

that, I agree with...

> The headlines of the Left
> won't help us.
>Sweatshop & Pauper Labor falacies.

hmm, how are sweatshop & pauper labor fallacies?

defrauding a laborer of his or her hire is a sin crying to Heaven for
vengeance. ----- choosing - as Vibe explicitly does here, and as so
many US manufacturers have implicitly done when closing facilities
that made a profit while paying a living wage, adhering to safety and
dignity guidelines agreed-upon, contributing taxes and reducing
pollution, in favor of opening facilities where they could beat,
mistreat, bribe, underpay and pollute - is a bad choice and the
specifics of why are laid bare in Vibe's speech.  He reveals himself
to be a monster.  (exterminate the brute)

- where the bee sucks, there suck I

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