Hardly TRP at all, yet............
richard.romeo at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 09:15:12 CST 2012
i find all this columbus hating rather tiresome. as if native peoples were
living in harmony and not murdering each other, too. read fathers & crows.
it's standard reductions of a complicated world into an easily identifiable
good guy-bad guy history which I find moronic. i dont condone wounded knee
or cortez or like injustices but surely we can be a bit more discerning
than chorusing cortez the killer.
On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 10:04 PM, Markekohut <markekohut at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Yeah it started with Columbus and spread from the asshole of Ohio out.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Nov 5, 2012, at 5:27 PM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at gmail.com> wrote:
> amen to that...
> On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 4:13 PM, rich <richard.romeo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> there's enough mediocrity to go around no matter where you are
>> On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Kirn is a novelist, as you may know, covering this election as a writer
>>> not like a journalist. I am not sending this to
>>> start plist conversations on the election or OHIO, yet I bet, in the way
>>> we do, it might and they will be better than some journalists'.
>>> I am sending it because the very novelistic judgment of "mediocrity"
>>> reminds me like a knocking stick of TRP's take on OHIO, via
>>> the Swiftian savaging of Columbus in that greater and greater book:
>>> Against the Day. And, of course, Columbus has naming resonance
>>> with the promise of America. Goodbye,Columbus (but I hope you come
>>> through for this election. Again.)
>>> **
>>> *The New Republic (@tnr <https://twitter.com/tnr>)*
>>> 11/5/12, 8:00 AM <https://twitter.com/tnr/status/265438354118684672>
>>> . at walterkirn <https://twitter.com/@walterkirn> says the fact that #Ohio<http://search.twitter.com/search?q=#Ohio>,
>>> the cradle of U.S. mediocrity, gets to pick the president is terrifying
>>> bit.ly/SsPXxC <http://t.co/N7ZouPUm>
>>> **Download the official Twitter app here <https://twitter.com/download>
>>> ****Sent from my iPad
>>> ****
> --
> www.innergroovemusic.com
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