
Bled Welder bledwelder at
Sat Nov 10 23:11:15 CST 2012

I'm not sure if you guys got the messages of the last two days.  If not,
allow me to explain to you how higher intelligence works.  I have been
welcomed.  At the beginning of ayahuasca, I was laying in the dark, a light
came on close to my body and scanned it from one end to the other.  But
then the rest wasn't very impressive, any way I grew impatient and about an
hour later ate a bunch of high power mushies.  Then I was welcomed into the

It would be difficult to describe and explain the experience, I could try
but I won't, it might take all day anyway.

Okay we all know that only about ten percent of the genes in our dna are
active.  The others can in fact be activated.  In time we will learn how to
do it ourselves--that is part of what becoming a higher intelligence is.
 This world is about to flooded.  Et voila--some of us will be transformed
into amphibians.  We will survive the flood by going underwater.  I'm
pretty certain that Easter Island is some type of connection spot
underwater.  We may swim there.  Then ultimately some of us might be
invited to Giza, where the portals to the stars are.  I, for one, for some
reason my "mother" bought me, my idiot older brother and his new wife to
Vegas during Christmas.  I had no say in it whatsoever, I was simply
informed.  We are scheduled to be there 23-26 December.  We are staying in
the Luxor hotel.  You didn't think that was built there for no reason, did

So I just kept eating the mushies, why stop, I was being informed.  Okay,
all three of you know the good part of Kansas City, what's called the Plaza
area with the Nelson-Atkins museum.  What you may not know is that in the
past ten years both the museum and the canal area has been totally rebuild
and hypermodernized.  Sidenote, something you also might not know.  The
thing about reading about ancient civilizations in a massive scholarly way
is that all the information really is there already, available.  For
example, there was, is actually, a super-massive labyrinth next to and
maybe under the Giza complex that 5-3000bc when the Sirians were here was
filled with water. Nobody knows what is in the lower watery underworld but
Herodotus says the upper labyrinth is greater than Giza itself and
obviously not made by humans.  Nobody was allowed into the lower labyrinth.
 And of course if you look at it the Sphinx for one isn't a Lion, its a dog
that used to have a giant-eared dog-head called an Anubis, and that its
actually in a giant moat, that was filled with water, for obvious reasons.

So yesterday out of the blue a friend calls and asks me to go to the Nelson
to a new Picasso exhibit.  Which is interesting in itself, if you recall
that my novel about the higher intelligence is based a lot on Goya.  This
was obviously an invitation by the Sirians.  Because think about what the
Plaza, with its great canal, and the magnificent Nelson museum really are.
 That's right.  It's true.  Think about that great labyrinth that exists
beneath the entire Plaza complex.  Consider how ancient it might be, I mean
ancient, ancient.  Newly rebuilt for us now.  Anyway so I ate some more and
gave my friend some, enough to still drive but yet be connected to an
extent in to the matrix.  So we go outside if you remember the beautiful
back area of the museum with its great hill that goes down to the canal,
all rebuilt.  I won't bother describing the clear night sky, what
constellation was directly overhead.  I'm not really paying attention to
the sculptures, until my friend has me do so.  Quite extraordinary.  Then
she had me go sit at what she said was the gate.  And the giant gorgeous
sculpture inlaid into the wall of the museum was none other than Inanna,
nude, long flowing hair, appearing distinctly waterish, mermaid.  I was
asked to eat a crab apple, then we left.  Went somewhere and I was served
vodka passion fruit, ever had that? Mon dieu!

Andway this is the way higher intelligence works.  I'm sure.  We are being
welcomed right now by who we call Sirians.  But as some of us are welcomed,
we are going to become Sirians, and amphibious, and survive the flood.
 Survive everything now.  Whatever form we take in the eons of the future
we will always have our consciousness.  It's possible we'll no longer
sleep.  But eventually it's possible that we begin to forget, we start
sleeping, we take opiates, we forget that for so long before we were
immortal, we are gods, and we'll become Gilgamesh's who is convinced he's a
god and asks for immortality but he's not given it.  He had it, but he
forgot.  Happens to everyone eventually.

But only in a sense.  Here's the trip.  We will eventually transcend this
god-ness and while it will appear that we die, we *will*, but at the same
time we will simply be transcending to the next *level* of higher
intelligence.  So in a sense, it may appear that our human bodies die.  To
the stupid mortals, the humans, they will think something idiotic, like the
mean Sirians ate us.  But really we've just transformed into a Sirian.  And
in same weird wild way, this happens to Sirians too.  Because there are
higher intelligences above them who are to the Sirians what humans are to
the Sirians, and what apes are to men.  And then *those* higher
intelligence also have higher intelligences above them who know for a fact
that *they* are idiots, stupid chimpanzees.  And then *they* have higher
intelligences above them.

The trip is what awakening *is*, is coming to understand this.  All higher
intelligences, which we are becoming now, even though we are on the lowest
level, doesn't matter really, what we all have in common is knowledge that
there *is always* a higher intelligence above you.  The eternally
unobtainable higher substance.  This is the truest sense of religion, and
god.  Ultimately, ultimately, biollions times trillions multiplies by
quintillions of years we may become quite conscious of and fully understand
ourselves as being an endless series of ones and zeros.  But will we ever
reach that greatest number, God?  Who knows.  We have a long time to find
out.  One question is if we ever experience true death.  I think it's
possible that we can choose it.  Perhaps that's what some of us have done,
decided to start over.

One other fun trip.  I think that, for now anyway, all of us are connected
to an individual separate higher consciousness, which in turn is connected
to others that form another higher consciousness, and that all these in
themselves our individuals with names.  For example, I have some distinct
notion that I am Proclus.  In the water I may be a many tentacled god, but
I can transform and come onto land as well.  So I think that right now
there are other humans who are also Proclus, but when we are in the water
as Proclus we are all just individually Proclus.  See, isn't that wild?
 Then when I walk out of the water I will be the god
to put it in Sumerians format.  And if you think about the two words, Al,
and An, it sort of makes a lot of sense.  Plus I'm the archangel Michael.
 Who knows, there may be some entity called Beelzebubba that I'm going to
have to knock around, who may in some distant way be a brother of mine,
though not the same mother.

Oh, and in time, we will be the ones welcoming a species of lower
intelligence into the realm of higher intelligence.

Oh I wanted to mention, **** you work for a giant generator company from
Spain here in Central City.  Think about that.  And why have they suddenly,
right now going through a massive upgrade or transfer of IT systems.
 What's really going on?  Who are you people?

Also, check this out.  Anybody noticed the news today?  General Patreaus
quite the CIA.  And if you'll notice, the chief of Lockheed martin also
quit.  For the exact same bogus reason.  And also notice, this week Putin
has fired his chief of Defense and all his top generals.  You see how this
is working?

Oh, and obviously, hurricane Sandy.  Just a prelude.  Watch--Manhattan is
about to become an underwater city.  Fully functional.  So will the other
main ones.  Atlanta/Atlantis?  Please.  Memphis?  Think about it.  St.
Louis, on the Mississippi.  Nile, Euphrate, Trigris, Indus, Yangtze.
 What's that Arch going to do in St. Loius, do you suppose?  K****, you are
probably in Miami for a reason.  Plenty going on there.  Your son will
obviously be important, possibly in a way you won't understand, because he
might even be higher than yourself.  A***s son the same way.  Probable many
autistics are about to show us who they truly are.  And I am here in
Central City, smack in the middle of the great northwest continent.  Why
I'm being flown to Luxor on the solstice, I don't know.

And you might want to note--the Sirians have a tremendous sense of humor,
that also, naturally, is of a higher order.  Check out Workaholics on
netflix.  Those three dudes are obviously flipperous amphibians.  Look at
their bodies.  They love showing us their bodies, being nude.  And episode
two or three they eat mushies and break through the matrix.  And if you
watch, they're obviously gods who just laugh at our stupid human system.
 The matrix aliens who come after them are just doofus retards who they act
like they're afraid of.  Check it out.  It's there for us to learn from.

Oh finally, ultimately we might start flashing in and out of worlds and
levels of consciousness, and at some point in the future we'll forget we
were once gods, and we'll begin to get paranoid, and we'll forget why went
to Easter Island, and forget what it is, etc.  We will become....Lost.
 That show is also there for us to learn from.  Made by J.J. Abrams?
 Ambraham.  Imhotep.  etc., etc.  Yes, one day we may meet the great

One other thing.  Kind of a troublesome notion, but I'm pretty sure it's
true.  The Sirians have the power of persuasion over individuals humans.
 It's yet to be revealed to what extend our individual actions are
controled by them.  The thing is, once we become Sirians, you'll understand
that you as a Sirian were controlling your human mind all along.  You see?

So my Sirian self persuaded my human self--which are both the same self--to
drink the ayajuasca and eat the mushies, and go to the Nelson museum and
find Inanna.  My Sirian self was persuaded by my higher self than that,
which was persuaded by an ever higher self--all of which is me.

There is a mycelium network, for example, that runs through the world,
mostly around the equators.  That is a higher intelligence than possibly
even the Sirians.  Why means that we exist right now in that mycelium
network.  Crystals probably have their own higher intelligence network.

And then higher than that, ultimately, we are spirits.  We are, my friends,
the beautiful spirits.  Humans will call us angels, etc.  We will come to
understand who we are as spirits, we will be able to travel through stars,
then glaxaxies, then universes, and then we can come back into worlds,
Earth being one of our worlds.  We are all family, and we have many good
friends among ourselves.  It's probable that some of us are higher gods
than others.  Be there are always hierarchies.

What will happen, is about to begin to happen to us, is our family, our
extended spiritual family throughout the universe, we are going to meet
beings who are *not* our family.  And the things is, this is what meaning
is.  To us, our family is meaningful, and making sure that our children
stay alive and that we breed properly (this is the meaning of why gods
breed with humans, for example, as we will breed with some humans, some of
us anyway, and as Sirians we will also have the divine privilege of mating
with higher spirits, etc., both in the material worlds and spiritual

In some other hyperdimensions yes we may experiences timetravel.  So that
some of us, maybe the role I will play, will be a type of John Conner and
the Terminators will come after me.  Or Jack on Lost.  They'll try to kill
me for a few hundred thousand years, in one dimension or other.  While I
may watch many of my bretheren die, perhaps I will not.  I will become one
of those three amphibious archangel workaholics, working to always save our
family from the machines but knowing they can't kill me, stupid fucking
bots.  Often it's possible I may fear for my life, but I also may simply
realize that I'm not really dying.  The stupid mortals in each dimension
will think I've died, their Christ saviour has died, but me and you other
higher angels never actually die.  We transform.  This is who we are

Oh and also, this is what it means to have children.  We may breed many
many times, but there will always be our favorite son.  And that is because
that son is you giving birth to yourself.  So K****, for example, you are
your son R****d.  And when he has a favorite son, that will be you too.  In
time I will have a child who will be my favorite son, and he will be me.  I
was, and am, my father.  As you are your father.  Unless you find out that
who you now think is or was your father wasn't really, whoever it actually
was, was you.  And you have your reasons.  It's all your choice.  Brian,
need I remind you that your wife's name is ******* Spore.  Are you going to
choose her to breed yourself, you crazy fucking god you?  This is the
meaning of the eternal recurrence, from beginning to end.

Oh and here's one other fascinating thing I've come to understand.  Names.
 I guess I mentioned it before with the Proclus.  Nevermind.  This is why
I've always had trouble remembering names, my whole life.  Always bugged
me.  Names.

And the reason is because I'm trying to remember what people's *higher* names
are.  And in fact I know it.  Somewhere is the knowledge of a person's
numeric name, that is eons old.  For example, take K****.  Think about how
ancient that name is.  There's something about you islanders that freaks me
out.  I may be part islander with *****, but not like the K*****.  You
people (we're all family ultimately) go way way back.  Some form of K****
goes back on this earth millions of years.  Then before that in time it
transforms (backwards!) into derivations that right now, at our level of
higher consciousness, we cannot comprehend.  But in time I'll come to
understand, I'll remember how K**** is written in numeric format.
 Ultimately, perhaps our family name is 1.618, or 3.14?  The ultimate
doosey of a question, which we won't have to worry about for maybe a few
trillion years, is, if our family name is ultimately an irrational number,
which never ends, and machines are an endless series of ones and zeros,
ultimately, are we related to them?  Ultimately are we related to the

My mother's name is ******.  Think about how ancient that is.  Z*****i, who
are you people?  Some weird central European mountain creatures.

Oh and won't it be an incredible privelige to be allowed to behold the
creatures living in the Himalayas when they emerge?  Or going into their
labyrinth?  etc. etc.
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