It's Pynchon's world, we only try for a little privacy within it

rich richard.romeo at
Wed Nov 14 08:26:28 CST 2012

not sure what you mean by "Le Carre is not liked and somehow
influential to Pynchon for nothing"

if there's anything about this scandal it's more like Homeland--the
privileged and well-connected and how they fuck things up. Personally
I think Petreaus get more praise than he really deserves. Iraq and
Afghanistan are lost wars-only the casualty numbers keeps them from
being thrown in with Vietnam. For the most pasrt the US military is
highly trained and skilled--how they have been led is if you listen to
folks like Thomas Ricks something that hasnt really been debated all
that much.

LeCarre though a great novelist has become a kind of crank
unfortunately. the anti-americanism has become a bit stale imho


On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Markekohut <markekohut at> wrote:
> G-men spy on our spies; they rat on each other to our politicians. Pure
> Pynchon. a knotted mcCarthyism, so to compress. their love interests harass
> which breaks open the whole military/ corporate knot. Some.
> Le Carre is not liked and somehow influential to Pynchon for nothing. One
> can almost imagine
> this pentagon quadrangle--oops, pentangle ( or more) ---in GR, or
> time-changed, AtD.
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> Sent from my iPad

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