hmm which pynchon quote...

Kai Frederik Lorentzen lorentzen at
Mon Nov 19 05:11:31 CST 2012

First of all, this is not really a Pynchon quote.

Second of all, you screwed it up.

And then, by not mentioning the actual author, you seem to be following 
"the current Slothrop's grandfather Frederick (d. 1933), who in typical 
sarcasm and guile bagged his epitaph from Emily Dickinson, without  a 
credit line" (GR, p. 27), for reasons of unconscious identification with 
the text, I guess.

The first strophe of poem # 479 by Emily Dickinson goes like this:

/Because I could not stop for Death -//
//He kindly stopped for me -//
//The Carriage held but just Ourselves -//
//And Immortality//.//
On 19.11.2012 04:53, David Morris wrote:
>  An obvious choice:
> Because I could stop for Death
> He kindly stopped for me.

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