np- Lincoln

Bled Welder bledwelder at
Tue Nov 20 00:06:42 CST 2012

Woops.  The Fall I'm talking about is from 2006, director Tarsem Singh.

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 11:56 PM, Bled Welder <bledwelder at> wrote:

> I have always admired your writing bandwraith.  But what election are you
> talking about.  There was no election.  The last time I voted, the one
> before this, I voted for the Socialist guy.  Believe it or not, there are
> more people on the ballot, than old Abe and Clinton and Bush, and even
> whoever the minute dude was I voted for.
> Then we get political on this supposedly literary link-in, and we run into
> the incessant lefties, who curse radical lefties such as yours truly for in
> their thick hard skulls we handed the election to Bush, and so on, again
> and...etc.  Blame your brothers.  Blame your cousins.  Blame your fathers
> even.
> You (not you brandwaith) goddam political animals, you get so twisted in
> your own kingdom-cum-labyrinth and you're so terrified of the incoming
> machines that you curse your own family.  Who just happen to be to the
> left. Or right.  And you are sooo desperate to hold on to that lunatic
> dream-hypnotic fantasy of yours that democracy is the right way, and you
> know forever and always the right way to vote.
> I'm a true "democrat".  I vote my conscience, NOT who "I think should
> win".  Idiocy.
> Anyway, Abe movie reminds me of DDLewis, who reminds me of Scorcese, who
> is the greatest, American director, to my mind.  I'm by no means a global
> critic of film.
> But I wouldn't mind putting forth something that came to me, like a dream,
> because I was desperate at the time, was it just last night, early morning
> maybe after a wicked night previous, Netflix, if you don't know exactly
> what you're looking for, it's browsing principles at this point in time are
> fairly limited.  Sometime they offer up something worthwhile.
> But like Mr. Morris, and the Game of Thrones, which I would might well
> enjoy watching but that takes a lot of time, by now, since, I'm four
> seasons behind, Netflix flashed a 2012 film to me called The Fall.  David
> Fincher and another great fellow made it.  Watching it it seems like a high
> budget film, but yet it's difficult to see anybody but me laying in my bed
> begging the squidzard astrowold fuingis to give me a break.
> Why was it produced?  How was it produced?  Do I ever get to meet these
> entities?  What can I say, I dig stories that are dreams within dreams
> without dreams that dream within a dream.
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 11:01 PM, <bandwraith at> wrote:
>> Rewarding. See it now while the memory of the last election is still
>> fresh.
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