Was Paul M's Eagleton tidbit on THE UNCONSCIOUS

alice wellintown alicewellintown at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 18:08:05 CDT 2012

In _How Fiction Works_ , in the chapter, "A Brief History of
Consciosness", Wood examines, first, the OT Story of David, then
Macbeth, and then Raskalnikov. It is worth reading. It is worth

> The Eagleton book is The Event of Literature.  The chapter I was discussing
> is entitled Stategy, which according to Eagleton comes from Burke, who saw
> human communication as a form of action.  Dramatism.
> On Mark's comments, for me the sure sign of real literature is originality.
> The presentation of non conventional values is ipso facto originality.
> Values can be expressed in a million ways.  Where does this expression come
> from--from the writer's unconscious.  More generally from all that is hidden
> from normal view. Nothing is new under the sun.  But much is hidden.

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