Was Paul M's Eagleton tidbit on THE UNCONSCIOUS

Ian Livingston igrlivingston at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 10:42:01 CDT 2012

I don't know much, which leaves a lot of potential open, but I do wonder
about all those empirical arguments regarding what is real when you turn
out the lights. I also find it difficult to separate literature from the
plastic arts where representation is concerned. To turn a favorite query
around, I ask what is born of the dark. One doesn't drown on the surface of
a lake.

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 6:20 AM, Markekohut <markekohut at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Yeah to all this. Make it new and it won 't be if it isn't 't originally
> disruptive, I repeat un originally.
> I did a fair amount of reading on the meaning of imagination a ways back
> and it isn't fantasy ( although some can be) and it isn't " wild" ideas
> (although some might be) and it is, somehow, with
> Literature a full, real--believable, coherent recreation--- of human
> beings in the world. somehow.
> ( in my tendentious humble reading)
> Sent from my iPad
> On Oct 18, 2012, at 11:59 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:
> Unconscious, for Jung is All.  All is beyond knowing.  Moses went blind,
> for a while, after glimpsing G-d's passing butt.
> In that framework, art bubbles up from the deep, and can't be stopped.
>  But it will always be unexpected, a shock, disruptive.
> We will never see the unseeable, but, if we're lucky/doomed it might
> glance by us, nearly seen.
> Getting too close to the gods is dangerous.
> On Thursday, October 18, 2012, David Morris wrote:
>>> The Eagleton book is The Event of Literature.  The chapter I was
>>> discussing is entitled Stategy, which according to Eagleton comes from
>>> Burke, who saw  human communication as a form of action.  Dramatism.
>>> On Mark's comments, for me the sure sign of real literature is
>>> originality.  The presentation of non conventional values is ipso facto
>>> originality.   Values can be expressed in a million ways.  Where does this
>>> expression come from--from the writer's unconscious.  More generally from
>>> all that is hidden from normal view. Nothing is new under the sun.  But
>>> much is hidden.
>>> P
>> Unconscious, originality, non-conventional, imagination.  Mostly good.
>> Demented & devious, tortured, damaged, and bewildered.  Good or Bad?
>> All Good.

"Less than any man have I  excuse for prejudice; and I feel for all creeds
the warm sympathy of one who has come to learn that even the trust in
reason is a precarious faith, and that we are all fragments of darkness
groping for the sun. I know no more about the ultimates than the simplest
urchin in the streets." -- Will Durant
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