GR translation: more steeply than the waking will ever need

jochen stremmel jstremmel at
Mon Oct 22 10:44:13 CDT 2012

sorry! David's last post only showed in my window after mine was sent off ...

2012/10/22 jochen stremmel <jstremmel at>:
> or "the sleeping" (on the benches)?
> 2012/10/22 Bekah <bekah0176 at>:
>> Could that be "the waking" as opposed to "the dreaming"?
>> Bekah
>> On Oct 21, 2012, at 11:56 PM, Mike Jing < at> wrote:
>>> P227.38-228.7  They are standing among black curly skeletons of iron
>>> benches, on the empty curve of this esplanade, banked much more
>>> steeply than the waking will ever need: vertiginous, trying to spill
>>> them into the sea and be rid of this. The day has grown colder.
>>> Neither of them can stay balanced for long, every few seconds one or
>>> the other must find a new footing. He reaches and turns up the collar
>>> of her coat, holds her cheeks then in his palms . . . is he trying to
>>> bring back the color of flesh? He looks down, trying to see into her
>>> eyes, and is puzzled to find tears coming up to fill each one, soaking
>>> in among her lashes, mascara bleeding out in fine black swirls . . .
>>> translucent stones, trembling in their sockets. . . .
>>> What does "the waking" refer to here?

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