besides me, who else

Henry M scuffling at
Tue Oct 30 10:07:16 CDT 2012

I seem to be in a box, and it appears to me that I have, and at the same
time do not have, a personality.

Yours truly,
Henry Musikar, CISSP

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 3:06 PM, Bled Welder <bledwelder at> wrote:

> Is there anything, wait a minute--I'm feeling more cedar.  Who, on this
> idiotbox, actually has something that might be called, a personality?
> This hellohole freaks me out because, look, I've read Pynchon, I've read
> his shit, I've thought about it, all that, and I just don't think what the
> dull non-entiites who talk on this are in any equal relationship with what
> might be titled the spirit of the goon that groaned them.
> It's a curiosity.  For example.  Look at All Is Well In Town.  There is *
> no* personality *whatsoever, *to speak of.  It's just fucking absent.
>  It's like she's not actually there.  There's one person I've seen on here,
> who has a personality, it's that Floridian.
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