besides me, who else

Rich Clavey antizoyd at
Tue Oct 30 19:01:08 CDT 2012

When I was assembled in the mid-50s there was no such thing as personality modules. I've been considering one lately, but frankly they scare the bejesus outta me.

--- On Mon, 10/29/12, Markekohut <markekohut at> wrote:

From: Markekohut <markekohut at>
Subject: Re: besides me, who else
To: "Bled Welder" <bledwelder at>
Cc: "Lemuel Underwing" <luunderwing at>, "Alex Colter" <recoignishon at>, "lee momonin" <momonin at>, "Ian Livingston" <igrlivingston at>, "P-list" <pynchon-l at>
Date: Monday, October 29, 2012, 8:01 PM

I used to have a personality, then one day, like Slothrop, it began to disap

Sent from my iPad
On Oct 29, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Bled Welder <bledwelder at> wrote:

I just got this.  After my other.  Omg, Inanna, where have you been...?

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 4:44 PM, Lemuel Underwing <luunderwing at> wrote:

I want to make you pregnant bled

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Alex Colter <recoignishon at> wrote:

Bled, you only have a "personality" when you decide to stop taking your medication.

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 4:23 PM, lee momonin <momonin at> wrote:

the practical things needed some practices

2012/10/29 Bled Welder <bledwelder at>:

> What annoys me about you Coulter, I don't really give much of a damn if you

> worship an obvious illusion.  What bugs me is that you think you have sides

> on this list.


> You think you and your kind are a majority.


> Have I read Pynchon?  Have I understood Pynchon?  He's not you, you pathetic

> fuckhead.


> You seem like in a way you have a brain...but what's with all this Jesus

> bullshit?  Snap the fuck out of it you moron.  Wake the fuck up!


> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Alex Colter <recoignishon at> wrote:


>> Hmm... I talked with my buddy The Boyg, he sez I shouldn't feed trolls.




>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Ian Livingston <igrlivingston at>

>> wrote:


>>> Good. I'd hate to have to argue my position.



>>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Bled Welder <bledwelder at>

>>> wrote:


>>>> I'll take you at your word--



>>>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Ian Livingston

>>>> <igrlivingston at> wrote:


>>>>> Yes, we have no personalities.



>>>>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Bled Welder <bledwelder at>

>>>>> wrote:


>>>>>> Is there anything, wait a minute--I'm feeling more cedar.  Who, on

>>>>>> this idiotbox, actually has something that might be called, a personality?


>>>>>> This hellohole freaks me out because, look, I've read Pynchon, I've

>>>>>> read his shit, I've thought about it, all that, and I just don't think what

>>>>>> the dull non-entiites who talk on this are in any equal relationship with

>>>>>> what might be titled the spirit of the goon that groaned them.


>>>>>> It's a curiosity.  For example.  Look at All Is Well In Town.  There

>>>>>> is no personality whatsoever, to speak of.  It's just fucking absent.  It's

>>>>>> like she's not actually there.  There's one person I've seen on here, who

>>>>>> has a personality, it's that Floridian.











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