a euphemism for P's poorest prose: warm excrement flowing from a pathetic puppet's mouth

alice wellintown alicewellintown at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 20:17:08 CDT 2012

No, come on...it reads like a Simpsons character, like MB, owner of the
Nuke plant, no, not even, more like the sycophantic Smithers, who, like MM
in Disney's Fantasia is an apprentice sorcerer...like I said, it is as if
Zinn wrote it for his graphic novel...we know that the character here is
saying something he would never say, not in an address to anyone, not even
to a mirror or to the devil. Greed is Good! Oh, for a clip of Wall Street!
Or...a song from Finian's Rainbow...a Blicero with a strap on cunt. Jeez,
Tom, maybe this one is vice for Thanatoids who bend the neck out of their
bodies to push thru to page 1000

On Wednesday, October 31, 2012, Michael Bailey wrote:

> i think - heck, i'll take a chance and say I'm pretty sure - that
> everything vibe says in his speech was said sincerely by some robber
> baron or right-wing ideologue - and is being echoed today by
> Thanatoids under the same aegis
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