Is Barack Obama a Tory? Or another fascist prick who murders people trying to rescue drone victims.

jochen stremmel jstremmel at
Wed Sep 26 01:01:26 CDT 2012

Thanks for posting that, Joseph; it's what I thought, only worse.

2012/9/26 Joseph Tracy <brook7 at>:
> Glenn Greenwald discusses a Stanford University study on drone killings.
> On Sep 25, 2012, at 10:08 AM, Joseph Tracy wrote:
> I don't buy it. FDR was a moderate reformist. Obama is Romney with a
> different style. Romney's health care, Republican military imperialism with
> drones, bailer of billionaires, friend of big oil and mountaintop removal in
> an age of global warming, no democratic money to oppose Ryan and endorser of
> all laws for a police state: NDAA, amnesty for spying on private citizens,
> amnesty for torture, Guantanamo still open, more immigrants deported than
> Bush, more survellance powers to NSA, silent endorsement of police brutality
> to address occupy protests. Traditionally these things are associated with
> dictators and fascism. Obama is a logo for the American war machine and the
> corporatocracy. If McCain did the exact same things, the Democrats  would be
> outraged.
> On Sep 24, 2012, at 5:11 PM, Dave Monroe wrote:
> ... the current presidential election as one between Romney - whom he
> sees as man with an Ayn Rand-like philosophy of personal
> responsibility to the point of divisiveness - and Obama, a Benjamin
> Disraeli-like candidate, whom Sullivan views as believing in the
> obligation of the coherence of the nation.
> There’s a better label for Obama than conservative: Tory. The
> President is no kind of revolutionary. The change we can believe in is
> the change needed so things can remain much as they were. This is one
> reason why he has disappointed what remains of the Democratic left.
> ... Obama is, in my view, the conservative reformist of my dreams.
> Almost the entire Tory party in Britain would now fit comfortably in
> the Democratic Party - and Cameron is clearly closer to Obama than to
> Romney. In fact, there is no mainstream conservative party in the West
> even close to the GOP's fundamentalist, revolutionary populism.

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