Interview with Elfriede Jelinek on her translation of GR

rich richard.romeo at
Thu Aug 1 08:27:27 CDT 2013

will we ever get a english translation to Die Kinder der Toten? hope so

I realize grim austrian lit isnt for everyone, but I like

dont ask me how many times ive watched the Piano Teacher ;)


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 7:21 AM, Kai Frederik Lorentzen <
lorentzen at> wrote:

> Looking for something completely different, I came across this interview:
> PA191&dq=pynchon+j%C3%BCnger&**source=bl&ots=WI4885f0P-&sig=**
> Jf8OfWaXREaPaYDbt-eC9_pTTps&**hl=de&sa=X&ei=YuX4Ufn-**
> BMbDtQa2m4DYCA&redir_esc=y#v=**onepage&q=pynchon%20j%C3%**BCnger&f=false<>
> (For the start go to page 189; the pages 194, 195 and 199 are not shown.)
> Here are some samples in ad-hoc translation:
> "It was overwhelming, and out of literary enthusiasm, without knowing what
> this actually means, I worked eight till ten hours on it [the German
> GR-translation] every day over a period of three years."
> "And since he never was in Germany, he also reproduced the typos, f.e.
> 'Siemens-Schuchert' instead of 'Siemens-Schuckert'. Exactly the same typo
> was in a book on Siemens someone bought for me as a present second hand on
> Times Square. Such things are very fascinating. Like detective work."
> "Later, during the translation process, I contacted a former officer from
> the OSS who could explain to me a lot of things related to secret services
> and, of course, also weapon technology."
> "Translating belongs to the most difficult things of all; it will never be
> completely taken over by computers."
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