NP but The Age of Wonder

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sat Aug 17 10:38:15 CDT 2013

Richard Holmes, famous, v. good writer about Humanities subjects---Shelly, Dr. Johnson, Coleridge and more,more---
writes this in his newest one: (as if he read a recent post of Monte's) , 
"Romanticism as a cultural force is generally regarded as intensely hostile to science, its ideal of subjectivity eternally opposed 
to that of scientific objectivity. But I do not beleive this was always the case, or that the terms are so mutually exclusive. .....
The notion of wonder seems to be something that united them, and can still do so. In effect there is Romantic science in the same sense
that there is Romantic poetry, and often for the same reasons. (these italics beyond the word wonder are not in the text but I cannot
change them).
This has led me to remember a bit of Romanticism bashing that Pynchon does in AtD, we seemed to have learned and I might suggest 
that P wanted to bash subjectivity-as-truth while suggesting his fiction got to real objective stuff........
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