Sermon to the Dark Sages.

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Sun Aug 25 20:50:43 CDT 2013

alice makes multiple points, sometimes like waves that interfere with
each other ---

as Kramer said (on Seinfeld, about swimming in the East River) - "4
hours in this chop and I'm a full inch taller"

sad to see you go, whoever you are -- (cue alice montage -
-- first post I could find
- nice Yeats quote

on labor

responding to one of my less inept (imho) posts and quoting Billy

come back anytime -- a-and thanks for the encouragement on my Huck
Finn theorizing

a-and yes, durn burn it, Dave Monroe should get an ARC even in an
unjust world (-;

On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 2:42 PM, alice wellintown
<alicewellintown at> wrote:
> The absurdity is obvious here, that is, trying to address those who
> want something interesting said in a few words, paragraphs even, say,
> all that has improved since the Reformation, about which millions of
> volumes have been written, which we often allude to or reference or
> provide links for, and those who will snipe at anything that is not in
> final form, exhaustive, ready for peer review. So, the long silence of
> former contributers who link us to the stories we find ourselves,
> culled by others we read. There is something incestuous about the
> P-List now. Something like flying kites on a windy crowded beach, like
> fishing on an over-crowded charter boat, where lines are crossed and
> the big one always gets away, the pool of prize money, safe with the
> captains of the P-Industry.
> To listen to the likes of Monroe beg for a peep into a P-Industry
> Advance copy is sad.
> On 8/25/13, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
>> Oh. So, "Things R better than they used to be," is your point? This point
>> is neither true nor false.  Specifics R everything, but your grand gestures
>> R anything but.
>> I don't mind long posts, just flinging cats by their tails to see where
>> they cling.  I tire of wild cat chases.
>> On Sunday, August 25, 2013, alice wellintown wrote:
>>> Why are you do into keeping it short and simple? Down to brass tax.
>>> Get to the point? Bottom Line it for me. Long posts bother you.
>>> Consider too the overthrow of other authoritarian military regimes in
>>> Latin America. Look at Chile! What of the dismantling of apartheid?
>>> The Fall of the communist system and the Berlin Wall.
>>> The Arab Sping!
>>> Of course, some of the euphoria  is ended, is waning. This is natural.
>>> Democracy has proven more difficult to achieve than tossing off the
>>> old dictators.
>>> But the pessimism of P-L bothers me. Itz so down all the time. Like a
>>> bunch of old hippies and new age freaks who need a good laugh, some
>>> good sex or something.
>>> On 8/25/13, David Morris <fqmorris at <javascript:;>> wrote:
>>> > Was that your point? Why didn't you just say so?  An awful lot of words
>>> > wasted to say something so obvious.
>>> >
>>> > On Sunday, August 25, 2013, alice wellintown wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Is arguing for freedom of thought and criticism of the foolish and
>>> >> ignorant assertion that ideas ancient and eastern, anything but our
>>> >> "Western Abortion",  will better serve humanity corporate propaganda?
>>> >>
>>> >

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