Sermon to the Dark Sages.
David Morris
fqmorris at
Mon Aug 26 17:16:23 CDT 2013
I think Alice was saying my pointing out Citizens United was an "isolated
and complacent" quibble in her bigger world point.
But Alice's "point" is so scatter-shot that any objection would miss her
point. THAT was MY point. Her sweeping statements and grand gestures end
with pointlessness.
On Monday, August 26, 2013, wrote:
> Not sure what this has to do with Citizens United, which, I think, was
> David's point ...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: alice wellintown <alicewellintown at <javascript:_e({},
> 'cvml', 'alicewellintown at');>>
> To: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> 'pynchon-l at');>>
> Sent: Sun, Aug 25, 2013 1:05 pm
> Subject: Re: Sermon to the Dark Sages.
> Only an insolated and complacent American could think this. Imagine
> your were born in Brasil. At your age, Morris, the election of Lula
> would be the first time a military dictator did not control your life.
> Dilma, a women who fought the military dictator, was tortured and
> imprisoned, is now democractically elected President. She, and Lula,
> and her Worker's Party, have lifted 50 million people, that is 20% of
> the population out of abject poverty. There is a new working class in
> Brasil. I can list doezens of other examples. Only an isolated and
> ignorant American would faiol to see that the corporate vote is, while
> essentially an enemy of democracy, not the end of individual rights
> and freedoms. These are on the march around the world. Don't you read
> the papers? Time magazine?
> On 8/25/13, David Morris <fqmorris at <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'fqmorris at');>> wrote:
> > The rise of political individualism has reached iits apex now that
> > Corporations have finally been granted their rights to free speech!
> >
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