Misc. crazy bleeding edge algorithms?

Tom Beshear tbeshear at att.net
Sun Dec 1 10:54:23 CST 2013

Amazon builds profiles of your interests based not only on what you buy but also on what you browse. It suggests books also bought by people who bought L. Krasznahorkai's work, etc. After awhile, it can get pretty good at figuring out your interests, though it can go awry -- I bought my mother a David Baldacci audio book and now it thinks I'm a David Baldacci fan.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mark Kohut 
  To: pynchon -l 
  Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 10:07 AM
  Subject: Misc. crazy bleeding edge algorithms?

  So, I think I want to read this writer I learned of from the plist,
  L. Krasznahorkai, so I go to Amazon.com to see what is in
  print and when written and I am scrolling down the list and 

  the #7 entry is BLEEDING EDGE!..by Thomas Pynchon. 

  Yes!. Is this a marketing plant aimed directly at me, shaped by 
  the algorithms of my Amazon searches or objectively there for
  all?.....anyone care to try to replicate? 

  (I buy few books from Amazon, because I can also get discounts
  at other outlets, although I search Amazon often). I did not buy my
  BLEEDING EDGE there. Does Amazon know that?
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