BEER Chapter 9, 90, 91 The Wrong Door

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Mon Dec 9 04:14:23 CST 2013

On an NPR show last week they discussed Uptalk.
As we did but they also emphasized the influence of
televison to make it spread....shows set in Sou Cal back
when......(not that long ago in linguistics time)

----- Original Message -----
From: Robin Landseadel <robinlandseadel at>
To: pynchon-l at
Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2013 8:08 PM
Subject: BEER Chapter 9, 90, 91 The Wrong Door

Toilets again. What is it with these toilet? I mean, NYC in the  
toilet, that I get mebee and then there's all them albino Alligators— 
and while we're at it, why not more on the fore and aft of out notable  
scribe's corpus as of now, bookended in NYC? Why not a few more  
extensions on that instead of getting all obsessive compulsive over  
Hanna what's-her name and some Kraut?

But and in any case. That compacted, quippy quick comeback sound of  
dialog throughout the book. it makes me think of other verbally quick  
on their feet shows of the nineties and early oughts—there was a brief  
flash of "Mad About You" flashing by my eyeballs, noticed that Hellen  
Hunt would make for a fine Maxine. But and in any case, as the number  
of commercials increased during the turn of the mellenia, computer  
programs designed to foreshorten dialog without altering pitch began  
to appear, enabling many episodes of Law and Order to be viewed with  
somewhat pixilated banter. The writing helped, of course.

And in any case, we begin quite televisually with "Tonight's descent  
into sleep is helical and slow." Prime Pynchon and Maxine's dreams of  
a somewhat less tarnished Reg Despard are abruptly cut by Reg's phone  
call* It ain't a movie anymore, Maxi." I guess it's a wipe and a  
little finger-popped bass figure to an all-night Ukranian joint in the  
East Village. Dialog in TV mode, circa 2001:

"You look like shit, Reg, What happened?"
"Technically," moving his hands away from the keyboard, "I'm supposed  
to have free run of hashslingrz, right? except I always knew I didn't.  
And, well, yesterday, finally, I walked through the wrong door."
"You're sure you didn't find it locked and jimmy it?"
"Well, it shouldn't have been locked, sign on the door said 'Toilet.' "
"So you entered illegally . . ."
"Whatever. . ."

Whatever indeed, as another potential bit of "Truther" material slips  
in with the insinuation of collusion between NSA and their associates  
and some so far un-named Arab concern, aforementioned Arabs behind  
said locked door marked 'Toilet,' make of that what you will. What is  
it about Maxi and toilets anyway?-
Pynchon-l / 
Pynchon-l /

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