Misc, but BE related

Joseph Tracy brook7 at sover.net
Mon Dec 9 15:59:38 CST 2013

I like that, money instead of work.  Also maybe safety instead of truth/liberty.  It was a pleasant surprise in the novel when the makers of Deep Archer didn't take the money but went with the open source philosophy. Maxine also worked without pay for something that mattered to her.   Money is easier to give up than safety. 

So is departure deep archer about looking for escape or looking deeper, beyond veils, leaving perceptions behind for resources that might meet the needs of a seriously fucked up situation. 
On Dec 9, 2013, at 4:26 PM, Mark Kohut wrote:

> The ignored whistleblower had his days on WSJ stories and a day in Congress excoriating and calling for the firing and pursuit of possible criminal charges against SEC folk....(many still employed and pictured (if not named) in the doc.....Head guy Cox resigned shortly after but he had said the work had never reached his desk and whistleblower seemed to believe him.....
> He won a Fraud Investigator Best of Year Award at annual convention.....
> Since TRP uses it in BE, one can get a sense of its total government FAIL involvement....and all the feeder supporting funds which have never even been charged but MUST have known sez the whistleblower. 
> BE is about money.....not work really......money instead of work....
> On Monday, December 9, 2013 4:58 AM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I watched the documentary CHASING MADOFF yesterday, the story of the persistent---9 years-- 
> Fraud Investigator who tried to get the SEC, the press, to expose and stop Madoff............
> Sent hundreds of pages full of RED FLAGS from his analysis at a distance.  
> He felt for awhile that the conspiracy of silence must have gone high inside the government....
> (Seems "only" buried by an incompetently corrupt SEC.)
> -
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