NP but American (Toilet) Hustle

Markekohut markekohut at
Thu Dec 26 05:41:57 CST 2013

Your words seem right on....I did think of Anderson; good not great......but some movies matter to me more for theme: the theme is so American........the aspirational, GATSBY-infused con......
" Will you trust me with your watch?" Asked the confidence man thief on the tony streets of mid-nineteenth century NYCity...........the reports of his then running off with them seemed to have 
Fed Melville's imagination for his great THE CONFIDENCE MAN.....

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On Dec 25, 2013, at 11:22 PM, John Bailey <sundayjb at> wrote:

> I felt American Hustle was a fun film with some stuff to think about,
> but not a great one. Mostly because it felt as though so much had been
> culled from Paul Thomas Anderson's playbook in terms of style and
> setting, and if you've seen Boogie Nights and Magnolia a lot will seem
> familiar, but without PTA's fierce aesthetic rigour. The songs, for
> instance, could be straight from a wikipedia page on 70s music -
> nothing inspired. But the performances are terrific and there's enough
> to admire in there nonetheless.
> On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 2:48 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
>> I also enjoyed American Hustle.  But I just saw Scorcese's Wolf of Wall
>> Street, and HIGHLY recommend it!  Three hours were never so much fun.
>> On Wednesday, December 25, 2013, Ian Livingston wrote:
>>> Generally, when a movie gets a lot of pre-release media attention, I
>>> automatically write it off as worth an afternoon matinee at home, but,
>>> since you applaud it here, I'll try to give it a chance, if I can
>>> scrape together admission.
>>> On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Markekohut <markekohut at> wrote:
>>>> I have just seen this movie, which gripped ( and scared me---as I feared
>>>> for the innocent and overcompensating violence)  and which I recommend.
>>>> I post here because of the appearance of, perhaps, a deep Pynchon
>>>> theme---authenticity---( but a theme not as near-unique as this trope) :
>>>> revelations in the toilet scenes.
>>>> The Amy Adams character has three such scenes in the movie.
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