Maxine's Addiction

Fiona Shnapple fionashnapple at
Sat Dec 28 05:18:01 CST 2013

But  BE is about work and the state of our souls. In other words, the
protestant worth ethic and the SPIRIT of late capitalism. The quest,
the investigation into Ice begins when Reg "hires" Max because he
wants to find out who he is working for.  We are all temping for the
hacker gods.

On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 6:05 AM, Fiona Shnapple <fionashnapple at> wrote:
> When entertainment frames the future, it becomes a self-fulfilling
> prophecy. We create the world that we watched on screen as children.
> Everyday technology thrusts us into science fiction, because the
> aspirational promise of capitalism asserts that someday is always
> better than today.
> On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 11:25 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
>> OK, but here with Max he makes this addiction explicit in his main/only
>> character. He spells out her hook. It is a Nancy Drew adventure.  Dreams and
>> reality mixing nicely from childhood. Hard wired need for speed.
>> On Friday, December 27, 2013, Fiona Shnapple wrote:
>>> Who isn't? Or wasn't. All the characters in BE were so hooked on
>>> entertainment they couldn't quit, so they joined. It's an orgy. Shawn, for
>>> example, is addicted to The Brady Bunch, his clients know it and can't stop
>>> talking about Shawn's addiction to the BB. Max's Parents don't much care for
>>> Lincoln Center, politically they are with March who hates the place, but you
>>> can't keep them away from its Opera House, The Met. They love to argue
>>> opera, consider the lessons to be learned from an opera, like Tosca,
>>> indispensable, a cultural literacy that they make sure their grandchildren
>>> get.
>>> But Max is a special case because she is the protagonist and she is
>>> addicted to digging into the dirt on powerful white collar criminals, and
>>> her jones ain't shopping, it's shooting.
>>> On Friday, December 27, 2013, David Morris wrote:
>>>> P. 83:  Is she thinking about hawalas, hashslingerz, even Reg's personal
>>>> safety, actually no, it's that deco-derivative shuttle terminal of Lucas and
>>>> Justin's that might or might not get her access to Deep Archer. [...] find
>>>> her way through the maze.
>>>> ---------
>>>> The maze Max wishes to pursue is akin to fantasy quest video games.  Max
>>>> is hooked on a video game.  She is hooked on entertainment .
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