Paranoid Interference on Maxine's Antennas (Kurt Mondaugen revisited)

David Morris fqmorris at
Mon Dec 30 07:48:46 CST 2013

Max does have reliable internal antennae.  They have proved themselves over
the years as guides to important information.  Her bladder is a sure bet.

On Monday, December 30, 2013, Michael Bailey wrote:

> So if Fiona's antennae are internal and biological, Moondog -er,
> Mondaugen's are external and electronic.  He's aiming at sferics, which are
> most likely natural phenomena, right? and applying a paranoid search for
> human linguistic meaning in them.  Which psycho-burger Weissmann is happy
> to supply!
> Maxine OTOH is searching for human connections, and finds enough of them
> in the course of events to keep her out of what I would call screamingly
> obvious pathological states of mind.  To me, she seems as sane as you or
> I...hmmm (-;
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