NP: featherless bipeds and whatnot

Bled Welder bledwelder at
Sat Feb 9 03:35:58 CST 2013

"I've been waiting, for so long, for her--
To come *down*....
I love the rain.  I love the rain."

Speaking, clearly, not of water on the wheatfields of the midwest
Americanas, but of Inanna, the goddess who will return, and clear out, the
Middle East, (or make it worse, she is Inanna afterall), and who will mate
with the greatest of us, and who with her brethereren, will  rule this
idiot planet once again.

Like they haven't already.  She, the glorious Inanna, will rise again.
 When her little bot Watchers have sucked up all the oxygen.

Athena is not necessarily a Ikind woman, in the way we portrat them, women
that is.  She is a God.  She fears nothing, and she cares *not *about
humans.  She is a *god*.  Okay?

We come from a star system that believes in the last 20000 years of 5 *
billion* years, the sun shit out planets and we etc.  And our dumbass
astronomers go for "13.7 billi9on years"!  Yay!  Gosh, what happens in that
time?  Anyway, erasee your mind.  There is time, upon time, upon time, upon
time, billions multpliued by trillions, by trillions again, of *years*.

Okay?  We didn';t just sprout suddenly 5000 years ago due to thoughts and
idieas of evolution.  Get *over* yourself.  You are an idiot.  Look at the
Giza Plateau.  You fucking baboon.  I'm telling you--*llook* at the Giza
plateau.  It was *not human made*.

Stop being a hypnotyzed fucking intellectual fuckhead and *realize IT*.
 They're here, you squat-thrusts.  They built Giza, if you would care to
actually *look into it*, you doofus retards.

"They are here." Oh really Mike? Prove it.  Go suck yourself.  You baboons
think that higher intelligences do everything I *on your level *so that you
can understand.  2100 century man, oh golly, so smart, we have Pynchon to
blanket us.  Thank god....for god!

You are juveniles.  We are simple pod people on this planet growing for a
reason, and it's not for Christ, or Mohammad, or for Oil.

Stop thinking that you might know the answer, you littlee fucking toad.
 Start realizing that you have no fucking idea why your family , and
family's family, was wiped out for no reason.

You entertain the idea that the Sirians are *kind*
to humans?  Why?

Do *we* treat chimps, baboons, lizards, humanly?  No.  Do we even treat our
brothers humanely?  No.

Welcome to what is about to occur.

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 2:23 AM, Bled Welder <bledwelder at> wrote:

> One thing that is funny/interesting about this band The Cult (besides the
> fact that if you crank it up a few hundred decibels they sound pretty
> good), for me anyway, is that I was into them at the time, mid-late 80s,
> for no conscious reason.   I had no sense for the irony of a guy called Ian
> Astbury was singing about the American Indians.  I think I just liked his
> voice, and the guitar.  But *now*, just looking back on it in the last
> day or so, the album Love anyway has all this Sumerian and Egyptian
> symbology of interstellar contact.  Could Ian of Oxford been conscious of
> this?  Doubdtful, but possible.  Interesting anyway, to note.
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Bled Welder <bledwelder at> wrote:
>> This used to be me, and maybe it still is.  Love/////
>> It's true, certain moments in tunes rule, but some thougthts go on
>> beaqting them....
>> It has to do with how things a receoived from down below, and how much up
>> below.., And how much is bullshit, and how mush==ch is real.  Like some
>> people said inclass, you have to agree entirely on you data.  Otheres might
>> argue that delviinving intpo that underwolrd is the best pollicy...
>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 5:03 PM, alice wellintown <
>> alicewellintown at> wrote:
>>> Chicken plucked or Cock de-crowed...I'm afraid I don't sign on to
>>> anything I can't read or do...but that name for a
>>> does at least allow me to jump on the wagon and bang a drum in the
>>> band f Hamlet. There is some, if not more than sum,  I can't measure,
>>> interest in Joyce and Hamlet and fathers and sons. Hey, even that
>>> political angryeel can wrap this one up in Obama's dream of his
>>> Mothers or something I am sure.  Though I'm sure what I am not certain
>>> of, and certain that I am not certainly sure. Tiz but the cure for too
>>> much of a Shakesespeare. Good thing that he iz!
>>> A catstropic turning and turning in the gyre of this agon: instead of
>>> disciplining emotion, thought excites
>>> emotion so that irrational violence results. And the seasons they go
>>> round and round and the painted ponies go up and down and we are
>>> captured on the carbon of the Garden Getting Back to Kansas....
>>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Ian Livingston <igrlivingston at>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Just floating a definitional query here. Everybody knows, I assume,
>>> about
>>> > the debate in the Academy that led Diogenes the cynic to offer up
>>> plucked a
>>> > chicken; and I suppose we all pretty much sign on one way or another
>>> with
>>> > Aristotle on the social animal bit; but I'd like to offer a new
>>> definition
>>> > of homo sapiens: Man is the catastrophic animal. Any feedback?
>>> Alternately,
>>> > of course, it might be a good name for a band.
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