V. strand wolf in the fog

Lewis Zhang lewiszhang at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 20:54:22 CST 2013

I feel like I must've met these two on an LSD trip sometime in the 80's.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:50 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:

> Has anyone ever seen Iris and Bled in the same room at the same Time?
> On Tuesday, February 26, 2013, Iris Sirius wrote:
>> id be more than happy to provide context.  but, i dont know when you got
>> on here, me a psilocybin freakout kickstarted me a year ago. But im not
>> about one to "go into the archives".  never have never will.  but ill
>> giveyoumy thoughts all you want. on archives, ask m.bailey. hes into it. i
>> dont think he's a bot.
>> if you care to research the bots on this list, ask Bailey.
>> On Feb 26, 2013 8:38 PM, "Lewis Zhang" <lewiszhang at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm going to need a bit of context before I can even begin to comprehend
>>> what you're trying to communicate here.
>>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:35 PM, Bled Welder <bledwelder at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Lewis Zhang <lewiszhang at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> V., pp. 297
>>>>> enemies that would be with him to the grave: a sun with no shape, a
>>>>>> beach alien as the moon's antarctic, restless concubines in barbed wire,
>>>>>> salt mists, alkaline earth, the Benguela Current that would never cease
>>>>>> bringing sand to raise the harbor floor, the inertia of rock, the frailty
>>>>>> of flesh, the structural unreliability of thorns; the unheard whimper of a
>>>>>> dying woman; the frightening but necessary cry of the strand wolf in the
>>>>>> fog.
>>>>> Can anybody help me deconstruct this amazing piece of imagery?
>>>> Lewis, there is no deconstructing that piece of imagery.  I mean you
>>>> can deconstrust it all you want, toss in nifty meanings and quote
>>>> "scholars" with opinions too on the matter.
>>>> What you just quoted?  It means *nothing*.  It's just a kid jerking
>>>> off.  That's *all* it is.
>>>> I asked you to beware Pynchon studies, and you came up with this.  I'll
>>>> ask you again: save yourself.  That piece of trash you just quoted *means
>>>> nothing*.  I mean literally.  It doesn't mean anything.  Get over
>>>> yourself as a literary agent.  That shit means nothing--but sounds great.
>>>> That's it.  I just gave you Pynchon in a nutshell.
>>>> Beware, again, my son, of adhering to anyone who finds "truths" in
>>>> Pynchon.  They aren't there.  If you think you will find guidance by
>>>> listening to Kohuticus or Well In Town....your fucked.  Don't go there.
>>>> Imagine being a genius, but with nothing really to say.  Now think
>>>> Pynchon.  Realize it, man.
>>>> Has Kohutikus really, in our worst nightmare, just spent three days
>>>> discussing the meterorites in Against on page 986, one little paragraph, at
>>>> the bottom?
>>>> Then Well In Town comes in with vast sources of people who anyone with
>>>> a brain realizes is a Gypsie rippoff..  Because so is Well In Town.  Ask
>>>> yourself: does Well In Town *have*  a personality? Does Kohutikus?
>>>> Not really.  They're fucking robots, man.  Believe it.
>>>> Watch carefully the way they respond and write posts.   They're bots.
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