911 Prewarning

Iris Sirius irissiriustce at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 22:14:40 CST 2013

wellyes, more or less .  you sorta got it there. ecxept you dont know shit
On Feb 28, 2013 10:05 PM, "Lemuel Underwing" <luunderwing at gmail.com> wrote:

> Take for Example the Spirituality of the East during the Hellenic
> Period... in Trauma, reverted, stagnant... until suddenly an Emergence,
> even using the dominant Greek Model, of an entirely new Form...
> One can see this as an instance of Victory for a type of Counter-Force..?
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 10:01 PM, Lemuel Underwing <luunderwing at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 9:14 PM, <bandwraith at aol.com> wrote:
>>>  I witnessed the towers just after the first plane hit. All the
>>> conspiracy theories are rubbish- mostly because they detract from the real
>>> issue, the symbolic power of their destruction. Al Queda was hip to this as
>>> early as 1993- when the morons tried to bring one of them down with a
>>> garage bomb planted in a rented vehicle, after which they then tried to
>>> recoup the deposit on! The only people stupider than Al Queda were the
>>> various security agencies charged with protecting us from them.
>>> Pynchon's most specific reference to the symbolic power of the World
>>> Trade Center occurs in Chapter 11 (as a self-signifier of moral
>>> bankruptcy) of M&D- the twin gallows, shimmering on the horizon of St.
>>> Helena, the two terms- capitalism and slavery- so essential for the western
>>> enterprise. Reading it post-911 is enough to cause goose bumps- prescient.
>>> And don't forget that steady wind blowing in (back) from the coast.  So
>>> stop changing the subject. Al Queda was well aware of the location of our
>>> "crotch" and it took them two kicks, but they finally caught us right in
>>> the balls. If there was a conspiracy it was between those flea
>>> bitten fanatic scumbags and our own stupidity.
>>> Since 911, any critique of the capitalist enterprise has been forced to
>>> walk gingerly around the issue of sympathy for the devil. But coincidence
>>> works in strange ways, and the demonic, despite its rabid hatred, is
>>> sometimes twisted into the agency of The Good- much to its own chargrin.
>> Oh I am sorry I argued so with you earlier,-- as Much of this seems Spot O
>> n...
>> Except for the part about it being complete without Theories (perhaps
>> not so much 'Conspiracy' but 'Under-the-Table-Theories') opposed to the Popular
>> Hypothesis.
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