911 Prewarning

Bled Welder bledwelder at gmail.com
Sat Mar 2 15:21:21 CST 2013

What's the most astonishing thing about humans, is that they always
assume the opposite is true, then burn the opposite on the stake.

A perfect example is that the Oscars are rigged.  Or, say, that we
live in a Democracy.  That we are not controled.  That we are free.
That we know what's going on.

We are drugged gerbils in a cage.  Get over yourself.  You're nothing.
 And you know nothing.  If you read my previous posts then you know
that there are beings higher than those that made us, and really, none
of us know really what the fuck is going on.

The Sirians gave our brains this horrible thing whereby we think that
because we think, that we know anything at all.

No one said the Sirian know shit about anything.  Ultimately, of
course.  They are higher tech.

After all, who made who?

Once Darwin is dead maybe we can get somewhere.  As of now, it's
rough.  And pathetic.

Yeah, a few Muslims who dislike America flew planes into the Towers.
Gotcha.  Check.  Giza was built by a bunch of slave labor, not higher
technology than we know of.   Check.

Roger that.  Braindead, yet alive and concsious!  Remarkable!

On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 4:16 AM, Bled Welder <bledwelder at gmail.com> wrote:
> There is no specific thing, Mallie.
> Power works as a force unto itself.   Humans are zombified by power.
> We do what it states?  By criticizing my argument that they are
> "rigged" (stupid word used by the hyptnotixed) and my obvious work on
> hypnotism, you obviously left out both: that the voters of the academy
> are both suck fully into the power structure, thus hypnotized, and
> thus see Affleck's jolly trot into Beirut or wherever it with
> rrrrrrealy great!
> And then after we get hit with that, we hear "Oh well it was a bad
> year in film."
> What are you not comprehending the way the film indudtry works?  The
> way Two bland pointleess Towers works.  Who runs them?  Who built
> them?  Who made Easter Island, the Giazq Plateau, Kukulkan?  You
> really think litty brown dilly people with no clothes built the
> calendar and Kukulkan in 900ad?
> Wake up, my dear.  Wake the fuck up.  This is not our world.
> The Russians last year sent a thing to Phobos.  Fuck it, not Mars,
> Phobos.  Why.  Why go check out the monolith there?  Have you seen
> close up photos of Phobos?  Why I Phebes on Saturn going backwards?
> Why is Venus going backwards?
> Have you ever looked into the geography of the Giza Plateau.  There is
> less reason to belive ancient Egyptians made that sucker than twelve
> Muslim kids built the Towers then stole a couple planes and bashed
> themselves agaisgnst the, collapsing them, the taking the US into US
> and Afghanistan.   m
> On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 5:54 PM, <malignd at aol.com> wrote:
>> Nothing I like more than being patronized by someone who can't explain his position.  If the oscars are "rigged," why do studios spend so fucking much money trying to persuade the voters to vote one way or another?  And how and who in the government would doe rigging, if you're claiming that's who does the rigging?  Who buys off Price Waterhouse, year after year?  You seem to believe this a simple thing, so it should be easy to enlighten me.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Iris Sirius <irissiriustce at gmail.com>
>> To: malignd <malignd at aol.com>
>> Cc: pynchon-l <pynchon-l at waste.org>
>> Sent: Fri, Mar 1, 2013 11:40 am
>> Subject: Re: 911 Prewarning
>> Yes.yes.. Malinged. everything about 911was preplanned.  Then execututed.
>> i alwsys likef you. , but you are a deeply hypnotizized person.  you are a Zombie.
>> too bad because i always thought we were sexy.  inbility to comprend how the OSCARS are rigged is pathetic.
>> On Feb 27, 2013 5:48 PM, <malignd at aol.com> wrote:
>>> So state your conclusion:  you think the US government was behind 2001?  Is that what you believe?
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Lemuel Underwing <luunderwing at gmail.com>
>>> To: Antonin Scriabin <kierkegaurdian at gmail.com>
>>> Cc: MalignD at aol.com <malignd at aol.com>; David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com>; P-list <pynchon-l at waste.org>
>>> Sent: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 6:44 pm
>>> Subject: Re: 911 Prewarning
>>> I was thinking more of the Hurt Locker... does anybody even remember that one?
>>> I think we have Happily Digressed as far away from the original Topic as we should...
>>> Here's some Rage-Fodder to realign ourselves: 9-11 was allowed to happen by the U.S. Government. Dick Cheney rescheduled our Air Defense Squadrons to run Cold War Era drills over the arctic. Also there were numerous "Live-Fly" drills designed to imitate hijacked planes-- which is why NORAD officials claimed, at one point, that there were over 14 hijacked planes in that air on the morning of September 11---
>>> Coincidence surely.
>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 5:39 PM, Antonin Scriabin <kierkegaurdian at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Like, for example, the political motivations behind selecting The Return of the King as best picture in the depths of the Iraq war.
>>>> On Feb 27, 2013 6:37 PM, "Lemuel Underwing" <luunderwing at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hm, it was perhaps nothing more than a Reefer-side revelation--- but I can't help but find Funny the situation with Mrs. President and her Cadre of fresh-shaven service-folk...
>>>>> and you are certainly entitled to your opinion..
>>>>> (Seriously, Lincoln! What a woeful movie, Kushner is capable of more; It might as well be subtitled "How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Political Corruption", it uses Capitol Hill Hucksters as comic relief... scenes where they are buying votes John Williams' Own Americana Fiddle Music plays joyfully in the background... yes well the THIRTEENTH AMENDMENT you might say,-- to which I need point out THE FOLLOWING TWO PRESIDENCIES and their corrupt ineptitude.)
>>>>> It's no secret that the Academy has been using their Best Picture category to make political statements, no Strong Arming necessary...?
>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 5:27 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> No. I don't buy it.  But her point (I think) about the two different political messages was a valid observation.  Not enough to convince.
>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 5:22 PM, <malignd at aol.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> David --  gees, are you buying into this Washington fixed the oscars shit?
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> To: MalignD at aol.com <malignd at aol.com>
>>>>>>> Cc: P-list <pynchon-l at waste.org>
>>>>>>> Sent: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 6:20 pm
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: 911 Prewarning
>>>>>>> I suspect Laura's point was that Les Mis had an anti-establishment political point, as opposed to Argo.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 5:18 PM, <malignd at aol.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> And, although I don't think it's a particularly salient point -- you think Les Mis had no political subtext?
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: malignd <malignd at aol.com>
>>>>>>>> To: pynchon-l <pynchon-l at waste.org>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 6:14 pm
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: 911 Prewarning
>>>>>>>> Les Mis was a bad, often silly, piece of crap.  My opinion, as yours is yours.  I make no claims for the quality of Argo, but a lot of people seemed to like it, (the foreign press)  as many did Les Mis.  But government intervention?  Please ... don't make a fool of yourself.
>>>>>>>> It was not a good year for movies.  Lincoln was no great piece of work either.
>>>>>>>> Les Mis was the best movie of the year, but what Political Message does it have?
>>>>>>>> No, Argo, that Hitchcock-o-fied B-plus-Movie and its endearing Plot of "White Americans in Trouble" is far more Palatable,
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: Lemuel Underwing <luunderwing at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> To: malignd <malignd at aol.com>
>>>>>>>> Cc: pynchon-l <pynchon-l at waste.org>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 6:08 pm
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: 911 Prewarning
>>>>>>>> Was malignd one of them? That does kind of make sense.
>>>>>>>> I've blocked Mad-a-line, and Bled. At first I just felt sorry for him/her because there's obviously some Problems there,
>>>>>>>> it got to be too much however.
>>>>>>>> Seriously I can't be the only one who Noticed Michelle Obama, her Royal Highness, backed by Dress Uniforms.
>>>>>>>> Don't get me wrong I'm sure Michelle is as innocent as a dove, all it takes is Someone to suggest the idea.
>>>>>>>> Les Mis was the best movie of the year, but what Political Message does it have?
>>>>>>>> No, Argo, that Hitchcock-o-fied B-plus-Movie and its endearing Plot of "White Americans in Trouble" is far more Palatable,
>>>>>>>> and gets the Royal Nod.
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 4:55 PM, <malignd at aol.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I have no alternate personalities -- don't know what would qualify them as little -- and I post only to the p-list.  Problem seems to be with your shitty email software.
>>>>>>>>> Malignd.... why the hell are you and all your little alternate personalities showing up in my inbox? I thought I blocked you...
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: ludd oafery <recoignishon at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> To: malignd <malignd at aol.com>
>>>>>>>>> Cc: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at waste.org>
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 5:48 pm
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: 911 Prewarning
>>>>>>>>> Malignd.... why the hell are you and all your little alternate personalities showing up in my inbox? I thought I blocked you...
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 4:46 PM, <malignd at aol.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> another loon.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.  Why did a mediocre, forgettable movie like Argo sweep all the awards ceremony, get a personal well-wish by new Secretary of State John Kerry, and finally get personally awarded the Best Picture Oscar by Michelle Obama?  My conspiracy theory: State Department/Pentagon strong-armed all of the Hollywood power-brokers (not all of who, by the way, are Jewish) into arranging it, because the movie's anti-Iran (despite a quick conciliatory sop at the beginning) stance is a great piece of propaganda, a present-day Why We Fight, for our impending attack on Iran (or at least, our impending support of Israel's attack on Iran).
>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>> From: kelber <kelber at mindspring.com>
>>>>>>>>>> To: pynchon-l <pynchon-l at waste.org>
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 4:27 pm
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: 911 Prewarning
>>>>>>>>>> My husband had just parked a rental car on a rooftop garage several blocks from the trade center, when the first tower was already in flames, and he stood in a group of people who watched as an airplane seemed to fly straight towards them, banked, then hit the second tower.  Much as I often have squabbles with him, I pretty certain he's not now and never has been a Bush or CIA or Israeli government operative.
>>>>>>>>>> There's absolutely no contradiction between some extremely brilliant, brave, murderous, and sociopathic anti-American terrorists destroying the towers, and Cheney, Wolfowitz and Co. taking full political advantage of it.
>>>>>>>>>> As long as we're talking conspiracy theories, how about these:
>>>>>>>>>> 1.  Why has the anthrax attack that followed 9/11 remained unsolved, virtually unexamined, and still rarely mentioned in the press?  My conspiracy theory: investigation would reveal that the US had, and has always had a bio-weapons program.  The press was strong-armed into silence by the State Department/Pentagon, as a matter of national security.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.  Why did a mediocre, forgettable movie like Argo sweep all the awards ceremony, get a personal well-wish by new Secretary of State John Kerry, and finally get personally awarded the Best Picture Oscar by Michelle Obama?  My conspiracy theory: State Department/Pentagon strong-armed all of the Hollywood power-brokers (not all of who, by the way, are Jewish) into arranging it, because the movie's anti-Iran (despite a quick conciliatory sop at the beginning) stance is a great piece of propaganda, a present-day Why We Fight, for our impending attack on Iran (or at least, our impending support of Israel's attack on Iran).
>>>>>>>>>> Laura
>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>> From: Antonin Scriabin
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Feb 27, 2013 3:33 PM
>>>>>>>>>> To: Ian Livingston
>>>>>>>>>> Cc: Lemuel Underwing , Keith Davis , kelber at mindspring.com, pynchon -l
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: 911 Prewarning
>>>>>>>>>> "selling the Iraq war"
>>>>>>>>>> This is one thing that seems pretty firmly established.  The Iraq war, from top to bottom, was / is a pretty scandalous disaster on the part of the Bush administration.  There are "weird things" about 9/11, but nothing we can no for sure.  I agree whole-heartedly with the sentiment concerning trust of the media / government press releases.  Basically, we shouldn't have any.
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Ian Livingston <igrlivingston at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Well, whether or not there were any conspiracies involved in 9/11 or in selling the Iraq war, or in the Kennedy and King assassinations, I think we owe it to our rational selves to doubt anything news media or government news releases tell us. Listening to professional liars is like being professionally gullible or something. I, for one, have a lot more questions than I have understandings, and as far as certainties go, well, I'm not too sure.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Lemuel Underwing <luunderwing at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ignoring the issues of Controlled Demolition, remote-controlled flying (think drone), or any of that other stuff...
>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't think it's nutty to claim that the Bush Administration had it on Good Authority that there were planned attacks on the World Trade Center, going so far as to Ignore explicit warnings by numerous Intelligence Agencies overseas.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hell, the Mossad (far from committing the attacks) actually warned the American Government in July of them, an Israeli Real Estate company even went so far as to break their lease in order to move out of the (south, i believe) tower.
>>>>>>>>>>>> President Bush's (it seems to actually have been under Cheney) National Energy Policy Development Group had a series of top secret meetings shortly after Bush was sworn in....
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Task_Force
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Klingons...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 3:04 PM, Antonin Scriabin <kierkegaurdian at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some claim there were no airplanes (the footage is faked), some claim the airplanes were a way to distract from the fact that it was a controlled demolition, etc.  You look hard enough, you will find ever possible conspiratorial angle ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 2:57 PM, <kelber at mindspring.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've never understood: do the conspiracy theorists (sorry, nuts) claim there were no airplanes?  Or that George Bush called the airlines and got them to crash the airplanes?  Or that he rounded up some Hollywood-issue terrorists to pose as real suicide bombers to crash the airplanes into buildings pre-mined with explosives?  All in the service of bringing down the value of some prime Manhattan real estate?  Wouldn't it have been easier to just wait for the inevitable flu pandemic or climate event and blame it on Iraq/Iran/whoever meddling?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Laura
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: David Morris
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Feb 27, 2013 2:44 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: Richard Ryan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: Lewis Zhang , Michael Bailey , Pynchon-L
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: 911 Prewarning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I remember a youtube video conspiracy screed theorizing that the towers' fall was a controlled demolition, not caused by the jet impacts.  Too clean, it argued.  But it didn't mention that controlled demo requires explosives placed at columns throughout the building, not just in hidden spaces, like closets.  They must have used invisible explosives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Richard Ryan <richardonriver at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One of the interesting unexplored reports surrounding 911 - there, doesn't on closer examination, appear to be much here other than unsubstantiated hearsay, but it's odd that it never seems to have been thoroughly investigated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.911myths.com/index.php/Odigo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've always been troubled by the discovery of Mohammed Atta's unscathed passport the day of the attack by A pedestrian.  Probably just one of those weird flukes but it's unsettling....
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.innergroovemusic.com

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