GR translation: except that the man was never really alive

David Morris fqmorris at
Sun Mar 10 15:54:58 CDT 2013

Jamf as mythic being, apochrapha, boogeyman.

He was never alive because he exists only in story.  His story, not he
himself, is what has been living on.  Jamf can be dead, but not really,
because he was never really alive.

On Sunday, March 10, 2013, alice wellintown wrote:

> In the postmodern critical haystack data days Jamf was employed as
> bleed and noise to tout P's postmodern indeterminacy, his reader
> trappings and mappings on to ambiguities multiplying. Though surely
> paranoids, as proverbs for those thus inclined, from Odysseus, to
> Hamlet to Alice in Wonderland to Dorothy in Oz, and all who have
> feelings they may not be in Kansas or anyplace else on the map,
> suspect that the real may be only a reel, film, a belief only a dream.
> Difficult to translate....
> > I take this as Slothrop writing off or entertaining the idea of Jamf as
> > merely a figment of his imagination--an attractive alternative to the
> truth?
> > Related to this (much) later mention of Jamf on p738?  Even though Jamf
> is
> > ostensibly a physically real entity, paranoia is just as much about
> > suspicion of the real as it is belief in the unreal.
> >
> > "'There never was a Dr. Jamf,' opines world-renowned analyst Mickey
> > Wuxtry-Wuxtry--'Jamf was only a fiction'"
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