Is The Great Gatsby the Great American Novel?

Kai Frederik Lorentzen lorentzen at
Mon May 6 04:29:09 CDT 2013

Do you know that the working titles of /The Runaway Soul/ and /Gravity's 
Rainbow/ were similar?

'Mindless Pleasures' in Pynchon's, 'A Party of Animals' in Brodkey's 
case. Well, both authors are bzw were at about the same age and started 
to write the novels during the 1960s, so it's then again not that 
strange, I guess.

Apart from their working titles the novels do not have much in common.

On 05.05.2013 22:56, Mark Kohut wrote:
> I loved Runaway Soul, formless (f it is) or not....
> *From:* Kai Frederik Lorentzen <lorentzen at>
> *To:* pynchon -l <pynchon-l at>
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 5, 2013 8:03 AM
> *Subject:* Re: Is The Great Gatsby the Great American Novel?
> Three novels which haven't been mentioned yet:
> /Tender is the Night/ (Fitzgerald)
> /VALIS/ (Dick)
> /The Runaway Soul/ (Brodkey)
> None of these is perfect, but each one is - as Rushdie wrote in his 
> review of The Runaway Soul - "worth a hundred safe little well-made 
> books." For my understanding of America these novels are very important.

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