Names in AtD - Frank

Ruth Flatscher ruflatsch at
Mon May 6 04:58:18 CDT 2013

well, Frank actually does have a very literal meaning, too... at least in
Haven't got around AtD yet, so I don't know whether it fits the character
or has a rather sarcastic effect.

ps - btw, PKDick also has a protagonist named Frank in "The Man in the High

On 6 May 2013 11:50, Matthew Cissell <macissell at> wrote:

> We know that the names that TP uses are anything but inconsequential, they
> point to something if only we take the time to think about what. In AtD
> most of the Traverses have names that are less than common and would seem
> to have some greater value than a mere label for a character (Webb, Lake,
> Reef, etc) but then there is Frank, a very common name. Why?
> I can't claim to have THE answer but I have an idea. First, we know that
> the book is composed in large part by drawing on a wide range of genres
> (what have been deemed "narrative clusters") and that these literary echoes
> are important for the book. Clearly one theme is the working class family
> and the social literature it belongs to.
> So I looked at Raymond Williams' Writing in Society, specifically The
> Ragged Arsed Philanthropists. It's about the novel The Ragged Trousered
> Philanthropists, written by an Irishman and rejected by publishers for its
> ideological content, whose protagonist is named... you guessed it, Frank.
> Does anybody want to add to this? Any other ideas for the name Frank?
> ciao
> mc otis

Mag. Ruth Flatscher
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Vienna
Institute of Botany, University of Innsbruck
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