NP really, but maybe. But if I am right

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Fri May 10 19:10:54 CDT 2013

Ah, but P lived to 50, and to, like, the envy a man has
for his magnetic idol, when he is but a boy, shifts and changes,
matures, so that, at 30, a dedication is no longer envy, or
admiration, or idolization, but a look back at the formative
friendship, the itish eyes smiling in those hips swaying to the latin
groove...and by 50, or 60, whe one has lived twice, or
thrice...well....malignd, either you are achild still or you don't
understnad what it means to live longer than those you loved, those
who had a poem to make, a laurel to wear, who were, at leaet
nostalgically, a Lycidas. a carl solomon....that whitman once yarped
for, that gisberg howled for, that pynchon gave Recognitions
for....that Gaddis gave grace for....?

> Agree.  Richard Farina hung with Dylan and married Joan Baez's sister (with
> whom he recorded).  Pynchon married his agent when he was what:  fifty?

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