
Rev'd Seventy-Six revd.76 at
Wed May 15 19:45:54 CDT 2013

I dug Moorcock's variant: travel into the future is perfectly
possible, but one's own time stream will always reel a traveler
back... like a yo-yo.

(cf. the 'Dancers at the End of Time' trilogy & related short stories)

On 5/15/13, Prashant Kumar <siva.prashant.kumar at> wrote:
> I'd believe that DARPA has funded projects on time travel. I *don't* think
> it's possible. Well, into the past anyway.
> P.
> On 16 May 2013 05:42, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
>> It's an inexpensive, environmentally friendly means of transportation,"
>> Webre told The Huffington Post. "The Defense Department has had it for 40
>> years and [former Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld used it to transport
>> troops to battle."
>> Basiago said he experienced eight different time travel technologies
>> during his stint in the program. Mostly, he said, his travel involved a
>> teleporter based on technical papers supposedly found in pioneering
>> mechanical engineer Nikola Tesla's New York City apartment after his
>> death
>> in January 1943.
>> "The machine consisted of two gray elliptical booms about eight feet
>> tall,
>> separated by about 10 feet, between which a shimmering curtain of what
>> Tesla called 'radiant energy' was broadcast," Basiago said. "Radiant
>> energy
>> is a form of energy that Tesla discovered that is latent and pervasive in
>> the universe and has among its properties the capacity to bend
>> time-space."


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