BE Spoiler (if that's possible now)

David Morris fqmorris at
Fri Nov 15 21:41:02 CST 2013

> BUT perhaps it's entirely appropriate (and deliberate) that this abrupt
> and STRIKING shift in voice occurs when it does. The novel's
> form reflecting the atrocity itself, subjecting the reader to a kind of
> authorial violence (we are suddenly told what to think of all this)

Wow! & What?  Violence via tone shift?

I agree that those three paragraphs read like an essay. P surely knows what
he did here in this most central point of his 11-9 novel.  It is admission
of ignorance as much as an asking of forgiveness for paranoia.  But not a
complete retreat.  The Paper of Record is a stand-in for blind consumerism
info, his common refrain.

Any idea why he goes 11 September vs 9-11?
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