20,000 emails down...

Fiona Shnapple fionashnapple at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 17:55:09 CST 2013

We have a group read going. We named it beer. It's going nice and slow. We
have threads going on the BE that are tagged with a spoiler. Not sure if
the tag is necessary, appreciated, expected? I don't care for it. Several
threads got me thinking a lot. I'm learning slowly. lots of Orwell and
Adams. I do love this novel. Though I'm still working at why, one reason is
Maxine. I love Maxine, her family, her friends, lovers,  job, her point of
view, her worlds and zones.

On Monday, November 18, 2013, Michael Bailey wrote:

> Where to begin, that is probably what we are wondering...
> Alice Wellinton appeared and dazzled us with erudition and opinionation,
> anti IV ("it's a piece of crap") but high on Secret Integration and Slow
> Learner preface, also prone to bring Bartleby up in a thought provoking
> way...only bowing out recently; Fiona seems to be angling for a similar
> spot, but she actually likes the new title.
> Glenn Scheper joined Toastmasters after a near death experience, lost his
> software engineering job and stopped posting, he is missed though is on
> Linked in as a tv producer (infomercials?) so, alive and well at least.
> Dave Monroe's library gig was downsized but he carries on valiantly dj'ing
> and supplying amazing links.  Bekah is retired, with more time for reading.
> Laura Kelber tried to unsubscribe, but just when she thought she was out...
> well, you know...
> John Carvill isn't wild about the new book but still has some interesting
> thoughts.  his website oomska.co.uk has contributions from several
> plisters including myself but the standout piece imho is his writing on
> Annie Hall...Mark Kohut reread all of Shakespeare, and Against the Day.
> Also I think he went to the G10 concert, er, meeting in Baltimore or
> someplace...jbor has been quiet and is missed.  Shortly before leaving he
> mentioned having read the entire plist archive to that point, hope it
> didn't cause him distress...robin landseadel took a hiatus to focus on
> yantras and tarot card paintings, very nice ones at that...he's a "yea"
> vote for the new novel although I think he liked IV better...Joseph Tracy
> deplores what appears to be rampant acceptance of capitalism in BE yet
> perhaps will agree with the excoriation of Rios Montt therein, at least.
> Monte shared some interesting info recently, pursuant to the ongoing
> paranoia/conspiracy themes.
> I could go on and on...oops, I think I already have...anyone else want to
> help bring Mr Gentle into the ongoing current?
> On Nov 14, 2013 3:37 PM, "David Gentle" <gentle_family at btinternet.com<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'gentle_family at btinternet.com');>>
> wrote:
>> So, during the run up it IV I stopped reading the list. The idea being to
>> read the book first and then start reading the backlog of messages. By the
>> time I got a copy of IV and read it I had 20000 emails "marked as unread".
>> I've sporadicaly tried to catch up but didn't make much progress until the
>> last wekk when I just went through all of them. Many I ignored but others I
>> read.
>> Obviously there are some things I missed on the wasy through them.
>> Anything interesting happen in the last few years?
>> David Gentle
>> -
>> Pynchon-l / http://www.waste.org/mail/?list=pynchon-l
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