9-11 box cutters 11 september utility knives

Fiona Shnapple fionashnapple at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 18:00:00 CST 2013

> The internet was the communication tool that could have induced a democratization of information and decision making but as BE shows, that dream is dead.  Only the earth itself seems to have a revolutionary option to overthrow the madness.

Oh come on,  Joseph. You never really  believed that the Internet
could save us from our madness. Did you?

Did you or anyone else ever seriously believe that the Internet could
induce democratization of information and decision making?

Oh,  come on. I though you smarter than that.

 Did you ever believe this? I hope not.

BE doesn't show us that this was ever a possibility. It's the foolish
dream of geeks who hoped, of course, to be the liberators and
democratizers, as long as they got, well, to be cool, and like, a
little rich.
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