9-11 box cutters 11 september utility knives

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at comcast.net
Mon Nov 25 13:01:00 CST 2013

I'm perfectly willing to hear them. Of course, I've heard them before.  
And I won't be ad hominem or ad hoc or reactionary or quid pro or semi- 
quid pro quo. However, I think that where Pynchon leads us by folding  
in "Truther" material doesn't lead to an examination of that specific  
element as the overarching theme of Bleeding Edge. I think that this  
would be one of the points being made in this novel. The real crime,  
the greatest crime of the century, was the looting and snooping of the  
American Public while all the Neo-Con shenanigans in Iraq bewitched  
the press and what was left of the Left. 9/11/Iraq/Gitmo—if it bleeds  
it leads and this Story was like John Woo on steroids. All that boring  
financial sector crap, who's got time to read about some low-level  
loser tapping the till? Or millions of them? And some pretty big tills  

I don't know for certain what the author thinks of "W" but I'm fairly  
convinced that the Executioner in Against the Day is Xeroxed from the  
Texecutioneer's M.O. and public record as regards the death penalty  
during his tenure as Governor of Texas.

A man like that is capable of anything.

On Nov 25, 2013, at 12:32 AM, Joseph Tracy wrote:

> To believe that a group who fabricated lies to murder over half a  
> million Iraqis  and in so doing sacrificed over 5000 soldiers and  
> left many thousands wounded all in order to seize control of their  
> oil would balk at killing some Americans to get what they want is to  
> think that Americans are different than humans through most of  
> history.
> This whole proposition is nothing more than the idea that anyone who  
> thinks airplane engines  and wings disappear when they hit buildings  
> is uncritical. Or that anyone who dares to question a media and  
> political leadership notorious for lying is uncritical.
> The official inquiriies into 9-11 i are not, as suggested  in the  
> article, unanimous,  in fact a commission chairman resigned in  
> protest that and there are several instances where whistleblowers  
> like Colleen Rowley and Sibel Edmonds were punished and those they  
> exposed were promoted. That kind of example is bound to  skew the  
> results.
> It is not as though we live in a time of outstanding courage in  
> challenging the lies of authoritarian systems. This is clear from   
> thousands of NSA people who dared not speak out like Snowden did .
> The language of "these people" and "the rest of us" is the language  
> of demagoguery .  His argument  is straw man and nothing but straw  
> man.
> I think your own arguments so far are lazy and have nothing to do  
> with the substantive facts. It may be very possible that you haven't  
> really looked at the evidence presented by the truthers to even know  
> what you are refuting. I see no evidence that you have. It is  
> understandable. One only has so much time and I find this stuff as  
> tedious as anyone, but I am curious and can't dismiss so easily the  
> facts which disagree with the commission narrative.
> So far only one person on the list has referred me to articles of  
> the nature I requested, articles that are  fact based examinations  
> of truther concerns. That was Mike Bailey. Rather I get  reactionary  
> put-downs based on  false or convenient assumptions about my  
> motives( I don't by any means believe in some all powerful elite).
> So even though Pynchon, in BE does suggest some sinister  
> possibilities along the lines of insider foreknowledge,  almost no  
> one on the p-list wants to even think about, hear about, or talk  
> about it in anything but a very reactionary  and fundamentally ad  
> hominem way.
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