BE: Streetlight People & Pop Sops

Rev'd Seventy-Six revd.76 at
Fri Sep 20 16:07:11 CDT 2013

So, Pynchon's a big Sopranos fan, or is it just more pop culture rubble
thrown in for seasoning?

Because I find it hard to believe he brings that Particular Journey up
-before- making the obvious Sop to koolture, which, given 'Don't Stop
Believing's notoriety as (SPOILER) the diagetic music that accompanies that
series' Very Final Scene, well.... It's not quite a hysteron proteron but
'tis close enuff if you squint & wobble yr. mug like consigliare Sil...

Journey is playing across the street from my bar tonight, by the bye, so
I'll have plenty of Streetlight People to contend with, living to find
emotion despite the fact that some of them were born to sing the blues.
 Hopefully none of them will put their pints on the felt.
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