About BE's cover art
Mark Thibodeau
jerkyleboeuf at gmail.com
Sun Sep 29 15:34:16 CDT 2013
I gave up smoking marijuana in 2001 due to the fact that it was giving
me crippling anxiety attacks, a phenomenon about which I had
previously harbored an arrogantly dismissive attitude. But boy howdy,
when it happens to you...
Anyhoo, just so I know, was your reply to my Original Post sent only
to me? Or to the Pynchon List in toto?
I ask because I'm wondering how the whole thing works.
I never get my own OPs to the P-list sent back to me, but those posts
do get replies on occasion, so I'm assuming that the P-list does get
my OPs.
However, when I attempt to reply to a reply, usually that reply only
goes to the single individual who replied to my OP!
So did the whole P-list get your reply to my OP? Or only me?
And if I reply, will the P-list see it? Or do I have to include
pynchon-l at waste.org in the "TO" field for that to happen?
And, if I do so, is that a breach of your trust in some way, seeing as
your reply was intended only for me, and not for the list in toto?
yer old pal Jerky
On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Lemuel Underwing <luunderwing at gmail.com> wrote:
> Quick question, how many joints did you smoke?
> Just kidding, I totally agree with you (though I was less impressed w/ the
> IV cover), I found it underwhelming until the sun caught it...
> On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Mark Thibodeau <jerkyleboeuf at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Up until this morning, I thought that the hardcover artwork for
>> Pynchon's latest novel was kind of underwhelming, especially when
>> compared to the beautiful work that went into the hardcover editions
>> of Mason & Dixon, Against the Day and (to a somewhat lesser extent)
>> Inherent Vice.
>> Mason & Dixon had that beautiful transparent overlay/interplay thing
>> going on, as did Against the Day, with its replicating of the visual
>> peculiarities of Icelandic Spar. Inherent Vice had a beautiful (imo)
>> Darshan Zenith painting that reminded me of later day Frank Zappa
>> releases (Make a Jazz Noise Here, Them or Us). So, in comparison to
>> these, the cover for Bleeding Edge kind of left me cold.
>> Until this morning.
>> Yesterday was warm, so last night I opened my window and the drapes to
>> let a maximum amount of cool air in overnight. This morning, I woke up
>> to a particularly intense sunbeam streaming into my room and directly
>> onto the spine of my copy of Bleeding Edge, causing it to virtually
>> explode in a super-intense rainbow of dazzling colors. The effect was
>> so intense, it took my breath away. I have never before seen such a
>> stunningly executed example of camouflaged color in commercial
>> artwork.
>> Quite a nice way for this Pynchon fanatic to wake up this morning, let
>> me tell you! Hats off to Evan Gaffney for his stellar work on
>> Pynchon's behalf.
>> Cheers!
>> yer old pal Jerky
>> -
>> Pynchon-l / http://www.waste.org/mail/?list=pynchon-l
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