New Discovery Cuts Brainwashing Time in Half

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Aug 28 10:43:38 CDT 2014

In experiments on mice, scientists rewired the circuits of the brain
the animals' bad memories into good ones.* The rewriting of the memory
wasn't done with drugs but by using light to control the activity of brain
cells. While science is a long way from achieving a similar feat in people,
it adds to a body of research that is starting to uncover the physiological
basis of memory.

Yes, I know what you're wondering. And the answer is yes:

The researchers said they were able to do the opposite as well—*change a
pleasurable memory in mice into one associated with fear.*

So I guess that wraps up both *Brave New World* and *1984* all in one nice,
neat package. What could go wrong?
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