Putin & the Conspiracy Theorists (Political Fantasy)

alice malice alicewmalice at gmail.com
Wed Dec 24 09:18:33 CST 2014

 another faulty comparison. you complain that the kettle blows coal
dust on the pot, but you refuse to condemn that murdering thug in
Russia. I love watching him fall. This has nothing to do with hating
neo Nazis, cons, liberals. I will love to see them fall too.  But
right now it is Putin's turn and I can't prevent outbursts of laugher
and joy to see his wealth vanish.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at sover.net> wrote:
> On fear mongering: Unfortunately some fears are justified. It is silly to pretend that all conspiracy theories are fantasy and equivalent to the' protocols of the elders..' . Large and small groups. empires, nations, criminal syndicates, corporations have conspired throughout history to gain power and wealth at the expense of others, or commit crimes secretly or with impunity. One well-documented recent example of a  large conspiracy is the mortgage based derivative scam that collapsed in 2008.  Straw dogs are what people use when they don't want to take on a substantive challenge to what they think.  Many people scoffed at the idea that Hitler was a threat to Europe. I imagine they called his critics and those who foresaw his direction the equivalent of conspiracy theorists when not calling them communists.   My point is only to say that large conspiracies are historically common. Further it is odd to invoke  La Rouche as disproof of all attempts to describe such conspiracies and seemingly accept the theory of Putin as master of authoritarian cabal. Henry Kissinger has more blood on his hands than Putin.
> On Putin: he seems far less dangerous or injurious to average Russians or the world than the neo-cons. I'm not going to join a Putin fan club but the NYbooks article/review sounded to me like that favorite patriotic activity of the pot calling the kettle black.
> On Dec 21, 2014, at 12:07 AM, David Morris wrote:
>> Fear mongering works.
>> On Saturday, December 20, 2014, alice malice <alicewmalice at gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://standpointmag.co.uk/node/5889/full
>> here is a widespread tendency (again not specifically Russian and not
>> invented there) to believe in occult, hidden forces which are the real
>> shakers and movers in world politics, whereas those about whom we read
>> and hear in the media are merely their puppets. Some Russian
>> ideologues believe (or pretend to believe) that the real struggle in
>> world politics is between two parties — the Rothschild party and the
>> followers of the Rockefellers. Believers in contemporary conspiracy
>> theories generally have only a dim idea of where the real big money is
>> found. According to the more learned followers of Lyndon LaRouche, for
>> instance, it is a bitter fight between factions on a higher
>> philosophical level — the Aristotelians and the Neo-Platonists. But it
>> is not made clear where they keep their money — certainly not in
>> present-day Greece. There has been in recent years a close cooperation
>> between the Russian extreme Right and the LaRouchans; a recent example
>> is Sergei Glazyev's "On Eurofascism" in Executive Intelligence Review,
>> a LaRouche organ.
>> This belief in the hidden hand and the forces of evil tends to be
>> particularly strong in times of great upheaval. The Protocols were not
>> really influential during the first two decades of their existence.
>> But after the First World War and the Russian Revolution, events of
>> world historical importance which could not easily be explained, the
>> Protocols were widely read and often believed because they seemed to
>> offer a key to otherwise inexplicable events.
>> -
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