
Martha Rooster-Singh martharoostersingh at
Fri Jan 3 14:22:45 CST 2014

As for the Bluebeard connection in BE, you may like this one. Like so much
in recent P criticism, it is built on speculation about the author's
changing attitudes toward changes in the world since 1960. Since V. and
since GR (1970s). So the "feminist" P of VL. Well...sort of...

The author doesn't provide the biographical scraps or gossip that the
inside the Pyndustry critics have been drawing from, but relies on his
reading of characters. He focuses on Dally.  So it's a shot in the dark
because it tries to defend Pynchon against the questionable claims of
recent criticism, that he is a sexist and so on....

It also builds on McHale's genre stuff (and this stuff is marvelous) and
tries to weave Sister Carrie into the  mix. Not so successful in any of
these. But he does a wonderful job of showing how Capitalism and the Power
that is erected in and around it, can be quite magnetic to those who are
most vulnerable, like children, slaves, white slaves, women, workers who
find themselves in the Vice.

   1. Severs, Jeffrey. ""The abstractions she was instructed to embody":
   Women, Capitalism, and Artistic Representation in *Against the
Day*." *Pynchon's Against
   the Day: A Corrupted Pilgrim's Guide* . Ed. Christopher Leise and
   Jeffrey Severs. University of Delaware Press, Newark, Delaware, United
   States (2011): 191-214.
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