just a little on THE BIG TIME

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 5 13:43:25 CST 2014

was first published in its entirety in two issues of a Sci-fi mag,
Galaxy, I think...after the editor had rejected it for being "too complicated"
for the magazine (maybe for excerpting?). He reconsidered.
I can see what he meant as you read Lieber's explanation for how
the cosmic timeline has to work....since you can move in and out of it 
before and after your 'death" in it...which can change,  of course, as history does.
But just suspend everything mentally and go with it and one gets a place
called The Place in the timespace continuum akin to The Zone maybe....
The Void exists capped like this--as it does in BE. Entering the Void, or having it enter you,
is FINAL, FINAL metaphysical death. 
There are Zombie types---ones who have been Resurrrected from the 
cosmic timeline after they died in it....
One touch I like is he says what we have come to call The Butterfly Effect
is a scientific mistake...As he puts it, folks think you move a little dust and the whole
future is different.....very hard to change the future.......
and the conversational voice of the narrator is set against most of the other characters talking
in a very stagy dramatic way---showing Fritz's other life---Elizabethan-like......
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