Whit Stillman

Don Antenen dantenen at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 16 01:19:32 CDT 2014

Yes, Frances Ha is a poor man's Whit Stillman movie. Fun to watch but not much there. I think Damsels in Distress is fantastic, actually...

 - Don

On Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:27 AM, Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at gmail.com> wrote:

It's all been downhill since Metropolitan to me, and I more respect than enjoy that. That last one really got on my nerves, and I gave ut a couple of chances (though I admiiedly also passed out through goodly chunks of it both times, so ... I was about to say, I hav nothing against Greta Earwig, but ... but f not necessarioy overrated herself (though I have no dea f what the big deal is), she seems to end ip in overrated movies (Frances Ha direct to Criterion--why?)).

On Sunday, June 15, 2014, Don Antenen <dantenen at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Pynchonists,
> Are there any other Whit Stillman enthusiasts here? Pynchon and Stillman are totally different in almost every way imaginable, except that both are deeply American and have a penchant for putting songs in their work. I've recently become a bit obsessed with Stillman's movies.
> all the best,
> Don
> ps. Did anyone ever figure out how to get the digest of this list to show the "from" and "subject" fields?
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