(np) Schmitt reviews
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
lorentzen at hotmail.de
Fri Jul 18 05:50:45 CDT 2014
The Concept of the Political:
Political Theology:
Constitutional Theory:
The Nomos of the Earth:
Hamlet or Hecuba:
"/Thus democracy appeared to have the self-evidence of
an irresistible advancing and expanding force. So long as it was
essentially a polemical concept (that is, the negation of established
monarchy), democratic convictions could be joined to and reconciled with
various other political aspirations. But to the extent that it was
realized, democracy was seen to serve many masters and not in any way to
have a substantial, clear goal. As its most important opponent, the
monarchical principal, disappeared, democracy itself lost its
substantive precision and shared the fate of every polemical concept. At
first, democracy appeared in an entirely obvious alliance, even
identity, with liberalism and freedom. In social democracy it joined
with socialism. The success of Napoleon III and the result of Swiss
referrenda demonstrate that it could be conservative and reactionary,
just as Proudhon prophesied. If all political tendencies could make use
of democracy, then this proved that it had no political content and was
only an organizational form; and if one regarded it from the perspective
of some political program that one hoped to achieve with the help of
democracy, then one had to ask oneself what value democracy itself had
merely as a form. The attempt to give democracy a content
by transferring it from the political to the economic sphere did not
answer the question./"
? Carl Schmitt, /The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy/ (Duncker &
Humblot, 1923; MIT Press, trn. Ellen Kennedy, 1985) extract from page 24.
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