Ukraine Rebel Leader: Malaysian Plane was Full of Already Dead Bodies

Thomas Eckhardt thomas.eckhardt at
Tue Jul 22 04:45:46 CDT 2014

On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:24:29 -0500
  David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> RT is worse than suspect reporting.  They are worse than 
>our Fox.  

Well, Hillary Clinton called RT "instructive"...

But seriously, of course you are right. However, when RT 
reports that the Russian Defense Ministry has stated that 
there were Ukrainian BUK batteries stationed in the 
region, it seems reasonable to assume that the Russian 
Defense Ministry has stated that there were BUK batteries 
stationed in the region, no?

Both the U.S. and Russia know whether this is true or not. 
If the U.S. has not contradicted the statement of the 
Russian Defense Ministry I take it to be true. Statements 
of the government in Kiev can confidently be ignored.

> As you say, Ukraine might be worried about Russian 
>aircraft, but do you
> really think they would shoot one down on purpose? 
>That would be suicidal.
> To do that would be to invite a full invasion from 
>Russia, and nobody would
> be able to blame Russia for that response.

Over Ukrainian airspace? Perhaps. Then Russia would be to 
blame, no?

> And as Parry says in the opinion piece you posted (his 
>site calls it
> opinion) :  "Why the Ukrainian military would 
>intentionally have aimed at a
> plane flying eastward toward Russia is hard to 
>comprehend, however."

I completely agree.

Pynchon-l /

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