Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at gmail.com
Sun Jul 27 18:30:04 CDT 2014

I figure this information is at least tangential to a lot of Pynchon's
greater project, so I figured I'd share it from my most recently
started up blog with you all, here...

(my blog is KubrickU.blogspot.com)

VISUP is a website that appears to be single-handedly put together by
a semi-anonymous savant going by the name of Recluse. His site is
dedicated "to exploring the vast Fortean realms of mind control, deep
politics, sacred geometry, onomatology and synchronicity; occult film
and music; the supernatural, the extraterrestrial and the
multi-dimensional; high weirdness in all its many forms", and it's
currently home to an absolutely fascinating series of profound,
densely-packed articles about one of Stanley Kubrick's best known
movies, Dr. Strangelove, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love
the Bomb.


In the first installment of his series - Dr. Strangelove: A Strange
and Terrible Glimpse Into the Deep State - Recluse begins with an
extended prolegomena, then explains his goals thusly:

"Hundreds, and likely thousands, of articles and blogs have been
written on the esoteric significance of2001: A Space Odyssey and Eyes
Wide Shut. A fair amount are also available on A Clockwork Orangeand
The Shining. For this present series I would like to address one of
Kubrick's most well known films, yet one that is rarely if ever
examined in depth by conventional conspiracy theorists: the 1964
"nightmare comedy" Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying
and Love the Bomb. That this film, despite being rich in a host of
symbolism and allegories, has been widely ignored by mainline
conspiracy theorists is hardly surprising for reasons that shall be
addressed throughout this series."

Recluse then goes on to tie together everything from "deep history"
scholar Caroll Quigley's theories about the Anglo-American
Establishment, the "Four Establishment Model of Western Politics",
obscure Cold War scrapes and near-misses culled from the deep
biographies of Robert MacNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Curtis LeMay and
other such super-powered, death-loving lunatics of the Military
Industrial Intelligence Complex, with detours taken to California's
"muy mysterioso" Laurel Canyon (with hyper-hipster Terry Southern) and
Jolly Old England (with the spawn of super-insider John Buchan's
loins, Alastair, among other Round Table cohorts), before signing off
until the second installment...


Dr. Strangelove: A Strange and Terrible Glimpse Into the Deep State,
Part II is, if anything, even deeper and more mind-bending than the
first installment in this incredible series. Here, I won't even try to
parse out the connections and flow from topic to character to event.
Rather, I'll just present them as a dada jumble of alphabet soup for
you to digest if and as you will: The Egyptian God Set. Cowboy
mythology. Manifest Destiny. The Marquis de Sade. Oedipus. Hecate. The
Doomsday Machine. General Curtis LeMay again (perhaps one of the most
terrifying figures in Cold War history). General Lyman Lemnitzer of
Operation Northwoods infamy (ditto). Nazi rocket-man Werner von Braun
(double-ditto). JFK's assassination. The OSS. The CIA. Wild Bill
Donovan. The Order of Malta. Herman Kahn. Bay of Pigs. Operation
Gladio. Adlai Stevenson. The Council on Foreign Relations. The RAND
Corporation. Henry Kissinger. Edward "Father of the Bomb" Teller.
Project Paperclip. Google any of the above people, places, groups or
events and you'll uncover a multiverse of mid-20th century shenanigans
that, when taken together, begin to form a fractal, holographic image
of a particular, peculiar moment in historical time. But whatever you
do, by all means, read the post!


Which brings us to Dr. Strangelove: A Strange and Terrible Glimpse
Into the Deep State, Part III, which, for now, is the latest
installment in Recluse's must-read series. After getting a lot of the
groundwork laid in the first two installments, here is where we
finally get to the meat of the film's main events and plot points.
It's here that Recluse examines a number of issues, including
Kubrick's repeated use of sexual imagery and metaphors, the functions,
history and deep psychology of propaganda, more on mind control, sex
magic (bodily fluids, anyone?), the Pentagon/Pentagram symbolism, the
All Seeing Eye of Providence, the caste of warrior monks
andphilosopher kings, and of course, the secret meanings behind all
those "kooky" character names (Buck Turgidson, Merkin Muffley, etc).

And so that's where the series currently stands. Personally, I can't
wait for Parts IV, V, VI and however many moreRecluse has got planned
for us in the coming weeks and months.

Now, I'm not saying I agree with every single point that Recluse has
made so far. Because Godzilla only knows, he's made one hell of a lot
of them. But what I will say is this: If, during the course of Kubrick
U's existence, I somehow manage to publish anything that comes close
to being as substantial, rigorous and encyclopedic as Recluse's
incredible exegesis of Dr Strangelove is, I will be able to wrap
things up tight and be satisfied that this blog had somehow served its

So go read Recluse's posts. Go. Now. Do it.

yer old pal Jerky
Pynchon-l / http://www.waste.org/mail/?list=pynchon-l

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